Hello andrew_cpht & All,
I have gone through the topic ‘Theme Development’ and understand it. But there are few questions arises in my mind. Please clear my doubts and ideas by your answers and suggestions.
As I said earlier in this blog I have to design 150 pages with different templates. Let me explain where I am now.
My all pages are customizable from the admin panel. Let me compare between two pages below,
The contents and layout of these 2 pages are different. Admin is going to enter the contents according to his choice and in different positions. Both these are customizable.
If I wish to add these information into table(s) then how to make it. In these manner there are at least 150 different pages the admin can create with his choice of contents and layout.
1. How do admin can create a table or similar item from page (Add/Edit) to hold the information such as text, images, videos.
2. If admin can create the table and feed the information into the cell then I can display it from the page.
3. Please suggest is there any plugin to do such thing. How to make such a thing manually.
4. The admin cannot create the HTML as he does not know it.
Please suggest and I am in a bit hurry. Thanks a lot in advance.
Regards & Thanks.