Hope you don’t mind if I jump in on this as I have been trying to get my membership plugin 2.0.4 to function like I want.
My scenario is anyone can read my blog but membership is required to comment and download ebooks. These are the parameters I’ve set up:
Level: Free
Subscription Plan: Membership (it’s indicated private)
URL Group: None (really don’t know what this is)
Pings: None (really don’t know what this is)
Options: Membership Level = Free, User Registration = Membership
Register Page: Join Us (has the [subscriptionform])
Protect Page: Free Downloads
Shortcode to Protected Area: [downloads} really don’t understand this so I just took a stab at this
Shortcode visibility default: No, short codes are protected
Downloads Media Section:
Actual download URL: did not change although my folder was not included in the address
Masked Download: 4U
Protected Groups: ebooks, tools (really don’t understand this so I just took another stab at it by naming the folders in my download folder.
Here is what’s happening. I can see the register form on my Join Us page but without completing the form can see the Download Page with my list of downloads.
My questions are:
1. How do I make this so the download page is inaccessible unless you have registered. And this being the only page inaccessible (along with comments to my posts).