• I’m having trouble figuring out how to disable the WP login to override it with the Membership plugin. Also, I’ve managed to PW protect the whole site, instead of the one page of material I would like protected. Any ideas?

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  • Hiya!

    To disable WordPress registration follow these instructions;

    On single-site WordPress;
    1. In your Dashboard, click on Settings
    2. Uncheck the box marked “Anyone can register”
    3. Click save.

    In Multisite;
    1. Log in to Network Admin
    2. Click on Settings
    3. Select “Registration is disabled” from the options for under Registration settings.

    As for the protection, can you provide details of the levels and subscriptions you have set up so I can see whether you have it set up in the right way for what you’re trying to achieve?


    Hope you don’t mind if I jump in on this as I have been trying to get my membership plugin 2.0.4 to function like I want.

    My scenario is anyone can read my blog but membership is required to comment and download ebooks. These are the parameters I’ve set up:

    Level: Free
    Subscription Plan: Membership (it’s indicated private)
    URL Group: None (really don’t know what this is)
    Pings: None (really don’t know what this is)
    Options: Membership Level = Free, User Registration = Membership
    Register Page: Join Us (has the [subscriptionform])
    Protect Page: Free Downloads
    Shortcode to Protected Area: [downloads} really don’t understand this so I just took a stab at this
    Shortcode visibility default: No, short codes are protected
    Downloads Media Section:
    Actual download URL: did not change although my folder was not included in the address
    Masked Download: 4U
    Protected Groups: ebooks, tools (really don’t understand this so I just took another stab at it by naming the folders in my download folder.

    Here is what’s happening. I can see the register form on my Join Us page but without completing the form can see the Download Page with my list of downloads.

    My questions are:
    1. How do I make this so the download page is inaccessible unless you have registered. And this being the only page inaccessible (along with comments to my posts).



    Hiya patsyd,

    If you’re referring to an actual page where your download urls are listed, you can simply include that page in a Page rule in your membership level setup.

    Something that may help, there’s an excellent tutorial on using Membership to create a tutorial website that can help a great deal in setting up sites using Membership.

    There’s also been an update to the instructions to explain a bit more in detail many of the items you mentioned.

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