[Social Crowd] Nothing shows up
I installed it, configured it, inserted the code, but nothing is showing up.
how are you calling the function? Can you post your inserted code?
Also, do you have the Curl PHP module loaded on your server? I just realized that I included that requirement in the Plugin Summary, but not the Readme file.
I am kind of at a loss on how to call the function. Can you supply some sample code? Thank you – the plugin looks great!
There are two ways to call the function, you can either get a specific count from say Facebook by calling the function in this manner:
likewise you could call it in a similar fashion to get the number of Twitter followers:
or if you are wanting to get many of the different stats you can also call it and have it retrieve all the stats from all of your enabled social networks and store them in an array so you can access it directly:
$stats = SocialCrowd_Stats();
Then you can access the counts in the $stats array by using the same key name you would have used in the first example:
to get facebook fans or
for your twitter followers.
The plugin only retrieves the social network counts/statistics in their raw form at this point.
For a full list of Social Statistics that can be gathered/displayed with the plugin please visit the plugins home page.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
what do you mean? how to add the code? is it a shortcode? a widget? please explain carefully.. thanks
slightly figure out, but you need to customise it via php
<?php echo $stats; ?>
Ok, for all those who have posted in this thread, just FYI, the latest versions of the plugin have a widget and shortcode that should make this process much easier for you. let me know if you run into any issues.
Not sure I understand…
I installed plug-in. I gave it my social networking accounts in the admin options.
I then go to widgets and add the basic one (only the header is displayed, literally nothing else)
I try the the advanced one and get a lot further more count amounts never change. I tried changing the update type from current to maximum, nothing.
Also, is there any way to move count and hyperlink to the right side of the icons instead of underneath each one? The plugin takes up a LOT of vertical space.
in the admin options, did you check the checkboxes next to the social networks that you put information in?
The Simple widget displays the social networks that are enabled in the administrator.
The Advanced widget let’s you display specific networks regardless of what is enabled in the administrator
The current design does take up quite a bit of vertical space with the default css, but you can easily change that by crafting your own css rules to reduce vertical space. See the Plugin FAQ for the default CSS.
But point well taken, I do have some plans for alternate designs that are less vertically inclined. And it appears that I should do something to make those checkboxes a little easier to understand…
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
My issue is the same, however, when I check the box and enter the http: address for each item, as soon as I click “save” the links all disappear and then nothing shows up in the widget but a bunch of zeros. I’ve installed PHP cURL Module.
PardonMyPoppet, I have just released a new version of the Social Crowd Plugin that should address the issue you are having.Let me know if you have any further issues.
It now will hold the entries, but still getting zeros in the actual widget. It’s in my footer right now if you want to see it. Will continue to work on it from my end. Any suggestions appreciated!
Warmest regards,
Pardon My Poppet ~ Pip Squeaks from the Mummy-verse.I appear to be getting an error at the top of the dashboard page “Social Crowd Options failed to update”
I have the following error using social crowd …
Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object in/misc/27/146/939/502/4/user/web/social-i.net/marketschools/wp-content/plugins/social-crowd/social_crowd.php on line 218
Any idea?
I just tested the code and it appears that google’s youtube api may have been down, it was not giving me the correct results, but it appears to be back up.
let me know if the issue is still continuing.
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