• I needed to create a nice, simple list of all posts in a single category and couldn’t find any WordPress plugins to do what I needed, so I created the WordPress Category Posts v1.0 Plugin.

    Check it out and if you see anything that looks like a bug, have any questions or the documentation needs corrected, please let me know.

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  • 1. I hope you will add this to the Plugin Contest. Very cool.

    2. THANK YOU for naming your readme file to the name of the plugin and then the words “readme.txt”. I have to do that to all the readme.txt files that come with plugins and it’s a bother. Too many readme files. Thanks for making it easier for us.

    3. Is there a way to limit the number of posts in the list? I love this, but I have a LOT of posts within a specific category and I’d only like to see 10 or 20, not 100.

    4. And tell me about how you use this tag. It looks like it would only be good for one usage, since you have to specify the category on each page or use the loop to have a different single post for each category or something. I’d love to be able to use it on specific posts with RunPHP, so will it work like that?

    I could also see it being used to create a table of contents page….hmmmm.

    This looks great and like something I’ve been looking for, so tell me more.

    Lorelle –

    CG-SameCat was built to show small lists of posts from a given category. What are you looking to do?


    Thread Starter briangroce



    Right now this is very basic, but…

    #3…you could add “LIMIT 0, 20” (start at record 0, return 20 records) to the SQL query. If you wanted automatic paged results more coding would need to be done. Good idea.

    #4…again, very basic…to display posts from category 3 you just need to put this where you want the list to show up…

    <?php wp_cat_posts(3); ?>

    What I’m personally doing is using the function multiple times on a page.

    I know using it with PHP Exec works…RunPHP should work, but I’ve not tested it.

    There will be updates in the future to add more functionality.


    Could you kindly advise how to include the date, such as
    Y.m.d (-linked title here-)
    ?? Please, and thank you!

    If you include a LIMIT would the code look like this?

    <?php wp_cat_posts(3) LIMIT 0, 20; ?>

    I no nothing about PHP though, this is my way of learning.



    Does this plugin work in WordPress 2.0?

    If not, is there a comparable one that does?

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