• Dear all,

    I know I have already do a post regarding the domain mapping plugin and the clone site plugin. But since my problem is not solved, I taking this opportunity to tag the founder of the plugin domain mapping (donncha), and the founder of the plugin clone sites ( fritsjan).

    May be it is a good opportunity for all to to solve integration problems.

    1. I have wordpress multisite for sub-directories (www.disrupto.org)
    2. I have installed Clone site plugin following the official instructions
    3. I have installed the domain mapping plugin using as well official instructions

    A. What I am trying to achieve (domain mapping)
    1. I have this site https://www.disrupto.org/jeansuhas
    2. I have a parked domain crowdwize.com on my server
    3. I want to make crowdwize.com the primary domain

    B. What I am trying to achieve if everything is awesome (cloning + mapping)
    1. I have this site https://www.disrupto.org/jeansuhas
    2. I want to clone it under a new sub-directory: https://www.disrupto.org/awesome
    2. I have a parked domain awesome.com on my server
    3. I want to make awesome.com the primary domain

    I want to apologize for being redondant since I already posted this problem on another thread and fritsjan answered me.

    Since my problem is not solve, I am creating this topic as way to help other and myself.

    Note: I am willing to give access to my server and multisite admin to donncha and fritsjan if they wish to see the problem from closer.

    Thank you so much in advance!

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