• Centering questions:

    1. CENTERING COLUMNS: How would you center the menu columns appearing in the footer?

    I tried the “margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto” code on each line in the CSS file with no luck.

    2. CENTERING ADDITIONAL TEXT ADDED TO PHP FILE: I added a copyright footer in the menu-on-footer.php file (via the “echo” command) and it is also floating left. How would I center this?


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  • I also have this question, it seems the footer is Not lining up?
    How can this be fixed?

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author cavimaster


    Hy guys,

    I know there is a problem on that side, sorry … I will try to resolve it in the next release in the next few months.

    Be patient…

    @signy: using margin AUTO needs a WIDTH assigned in order to work – did you?

    I’ve used your menu-on-footer plugin with the Swatch theme (WOO themes) and it places the menu at the very bottom of the footer. How can I get it inserted at the top? Thanks much.

    Plugin Author cavimaster



    For the moment i can only see one solution… in the CSS file, use the “content_footer_menu” div for putting in the absolute position as you want.
    I hope that work lie this… tell me

    Thanks for use it

    Thanks cavimaster for the fast response.

    I actually already tried that – reluctantly, as that’s a bit of a hack and I try to avoid them. In any event it doesn’t really work, because the footer is not a fixed width container. And it locks in the menu’s distance from the bottom, which has to be changed manually when the footer changes.

    I wish I understood how the plugin framework functions. No time to learn “Plugins 101”, but knowing what scripts handle plugin insertions might help. ??



    I was looking for the same solution and have found a fix, heres what you need to do:
    1) Download the plugin files
    2) Open the “menu-on-footer.php” file
    3) Modify the code as follows:
    a) Go to line 38 where it reads:
    echo ‘<div class=”content_footer_menu”>’;
    b) press ‘enter’ to create a new line beneath it & Paste in this code:
    echo ‘<div class=”content_footer_menu_wrap” style=”width:1024px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center !important;”>’;
    c) Around 8-9 lines below you will see this bit of code:
    echo ‘<div class=”cleaner”></div>’;
    d) You need to press ‘enter’ to create a new line beneath it and paste the following in:
    echo ‘</div>’;
    4) That’s it! Just save & upload the new “menu-on-footer.php” to the plugins folder on your wordpress site ‘wp-content/plugins/menu-on-footer/’.

    I hope that was helpful and saves people the time I spent finding that solution!

    Big Dave.



    Oh yes, I have only tested it on a few browsers (latest versions of Chrome, FireFox, IE) so make sure you do your own testing if absolute compatibility is a priority – I will repost if I find any bugs in what I have done.



    Well thanks for that uka.

    More critically I was looking at how to be able to position the footer menu other than at the very BOTTOM of the footer. Here’s an example of where I could not:

    (I decided I liked it better at the bottom here, anyway.)

    But in another website I discovered that the styles included in the plugin were largely ignored – when I moved them to the theme CSS file they worked. So I got the menu where I wanted it, here:

    NOTE: I used template SWATCH in both cases.




    Ah, I understand! Well glad you sorted out your issue and hopefully this will help someone else as well! Cheers.



    Sorry ukaching, didn’t acknowledge your fix suggestion for centering the menu items. And that’s where this thread started…

    Out of curiosity I tried that code suggestion you posted above, and it didn’t quite work. Reason being: while that code makes the CONTAINER center correctly, it’s contents consist of links in list-item tags – which are all set to float left (to maintain horizontal alignment). That overrides the container centering, and all the links still wind up left-justified.

    That’s something I haven’t figured out how to conquer yet: getting a group of float-left elements centered. (Short of coding the wrapping container to be PRECISELY the total width of the float-left elements – but that’s not feasible when the element widths and quantity vary, as in a menu.)

    Anyone have a solution?



    I spoke too soon. Here’s a solution – albeit a complex one:

    Two offsetting (width-less) nested wrapper containers that use relative position of -50% and +50% respectively, the net effect of which is they wind up dead centre. More complicated, and with possible side-effects…



    Nice find – I will bookmark that one!

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