• I wrestled with this for a while before noticing the view source showed the url to the skin was encoded.

    skin : "http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blahBlahBlah.com%2Fdev%2Fjw%2Fwp%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FjwPlayerSwfForWordTube%2Fstijl.swf",

    skin : "https://www.blahBlahBlah.com/dev/jw/wp/wp-content/uploads/jwPlayerSwfForWordTube/stijl.swf",

    I found on line 611 in the /plugins/wordtube/lib/wordtube.class.php file the following. Making the change solved the issue.

    $this->swfobject->add_flashvars( 'skin', rawurlencode($this->options['skinurl']));

    remove the ‘rawurlencode’ from this so it looks like this

    $this->swfobject->add_flashvars( 'skin', ($this->options['skinurl']));

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