• Hi folks,
    I’ve been blogging for about 3 months now, and I’ve got a decent readership and I’m hooked on the process:) but I’ve run into an issue. I started with the wonderful ‘headspace’ theme and modified it slightly (banner, links, font etc.) but now I’m stuck with far too much stuff in the sidebar.

    Is there any kind soul out there who could take the 2-col theme and make it into a 3-col theme, full screen (1024x)? I know next to nothing about CSS and any attempt I’ve made to date to ‘stretch’ the content area or create a third column has been disasterous. I dont’ know if there is much work involved, but I’d really love to be able to have a full screen, 3 column layout with this theme. I’ve asked the author, but I think he is busy with other things, so I’m wondering is there any kind soul out there who can help? Pretty please?

    “Howl @ The Moon!”

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  • Thread Starter c0y0te


    Any takers?

    This is quite a common misconception that transforming a 2 column theme into a 3 column layout is just “adding” another sidebar. NO! It usually means a total re-write, actually a new theme, with a different design, almost all the divs and the css remade etc.
    You’d be better off finding a decent 3 col theme and style it for your taste.

    Well this is seriously “cheating” and uses frames which are completly out of favor but FWIW here it is. Create an HTML page using two frames, a narrow fixed width frame on the left and a “fluid” main frame. Use the main frame to display index.php and the left frame for stuff like your google ads and links. I tried this and it works very well. I abandoned it when I found the 3 col. “vesuvius” template which I now use.


    I know. Moshu’s Vesuvius 1.5 port rocks ??

    I concur – 1) frames are bad, just like drugs 2) use an existing three column theme and setup as you want.

    Thread Starter c0y0te


    Thanks for the replies. I’ll check out this Vesuvius theme and see what it’s like. Thing is – I was quite fond of the ‘headspace’ theme.. oh well, change is constant I guess.


    Coyote you can quite easily replicate headspace, you just have to move a few things around that’s all

    Thread Starter c0y0te



    I’m just not competent enough with the CSS stuff to turn “headspace” into a 3 column layout on a 1024×768 screen resolution. At this stage I think I’ll get a designer to crank out a proper new theme for me and just pay for it.


    not competent enough with the CSS stuff to turn “headspace” into a 3 column layout

    That’s the wrong approach I was talking about. You should do it the other way around: take a functioning 3 column structure and make it look like “headspace” or whatever your favorite design is.

    Yeap what moshu said – start from the top. Do the header first. Then do the content area. Then do the sidebar(s). It will take some work, but you won’t need too much messing around I don’t think. Is there a 3 column gemini template Moshu?

    Coyote if you need a little help you can get in touch with me, and I’ll try help as best I can:

    sekhu dot net at gmail dot com

    I don’t really know of any 3 column gemini, but there are “brothers” of gemini that have 3 column: vesuvius, trident.

    *cough*nice plug*cough*

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