• Hi there,

    My post title here is pretty self-explanatory: I’d like to be able to get the image associated with any taxonomy by specifying the taxonomy’s ID, not be being currently on the archive page of the taxonomy or whatever.

    I’m not a big fan of the new “apply_filters everywhere” approach but at least it works.

    Here’s my quick addition to get what I actually want:

    function get_taxonomy_image($term_id, $size = 'post-thumbnail') {
      $associations = taxonomy_image_plugin_get_associations();
    	$image_id = absint( $associations[$term_id] );
    	return wp_get_attachment_image( $image_id, $size );

    Once again, something similar should definitively make it to the plugin’s core.

    Thansk for your great work.

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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Fields



    I think this is a great idea thanks for the suggestion. There are a few things to consider though, so I was wondering if you could answer a few questions:

    1. You show term_id in the code you proposed. This plugin stored association using term_taxonomy_id. Would this be a problem for you?

    2. Could you describe the use case. While I would agree that it makes sense for a function like this to be in the plugin (and I will add it), helping me to understand how the already provided filters do not serve this purpose would be really beneficial to me as a developer. A few of the functions in public-filters.php needed to be optimized so that they cache the images that they return. You can read an in-depth explanation here:


    I knew that not everyone would be stoked about the filters API that I put in place, but I really feel that it is for the best. It’s meant to help those that “need it the most” – users who are not that skilled in php, but can get by by copying and pasting code. In the event that someone like this copy’s and pastes code from the docs into the theme and then deactivate the plugin down the road, their site will not break. There’s also the reason that “in a perfect world” themes would not make direct calls to plugin functions. Using a core function such as apply_filters() allows the 2 different extensions to be independently as well as symbiotically with minimal code.

    Totally open to hearing you thoughts on this topic. FWIW, this was not a decision that was made lightly ??


    Thread Starter jfache


    Hi Michael,

    1. You’re right, I didn’t notice that. It won’t be a problem for me. Do you know in which cases the term_id and the term_taxonomy_id fields are different though?

    2. My use case was pretty straightforward: I was listing my top level blog categories and I needed to print their associated images. I couldn’t figure how to do it with the default filters: did I miss something?

    The reasons you gave for the “apply_filters approach” make sense, but I don’t know if *performance wise* it wouldn’t be better to stick to the classic “if function exists” approach. Once again I have no idea.

    Thanks for your response anyway!

    Plugin Contributor Michael Fields


    1. If you inspect that database these values will be the same until the same term exists in multiple taxonomies. Certain data is stored for the term itself (like term_id) and other data is stored for the term-taxonomy association (like term_taxonomy_id). I originally used term_id in an early version of the plugin and someone testing it reported this issue. I felt that users should explicitly assign images to terms and the plugin should not assume that two identical terms in different taxonomy meant the same thing.

    2. How are you listing the categories? Which core function do you use to get them? This plugin provides wrapper for get_terms() which should give you the flexibility you need to query the terms you need. If you are performing a custom query, the plugin will not really help you out.

    The function you are suggesting should not really be used in loops as it calls get wp_get_attachment_image() which calls get_post() and get_post_meta(). Both of these functions query the database if the data cannot be found in cache. taxonomy_images_plugin_get_terms() makes one call to get_children() which caches the images + their metadata. This cuts down on excessive queries.

    The reasons you gave for the “apply_filters approach” make sense, but I don’t know if *performance wise* it wouldn’t be better to stick to the classic “if function exists” approach. Once again I have no idea.

    I’m not expert on this type of thing, but will definitely share my opinion. I think that the overhead generated by using apply_filters() is so small (in comparison) that it should not really be considered. apply_filters() is used many, many, many times throughout core – a couple thousand. It does not use function_exists() for performance reasons. Note: I remember reading about this in the past, but cannot find a reference to it at the moment. Please take this with a grain of salt.

    I would like to work with you on a potential get_terms() approach before adding the function to the plugin.

    Thread Starter jfache


    1. Thanks for this clear and simple explanation!

    2. Right now I’m using get_categories, but you’re right, I could use get_terms and take advantage of your wrapper: its main advantage over my simple function is its caching process I wasn’t aware of.

    So for my use case my function is actually useless. Might be simple and useful for single term queries though. A new taxonomy-images-get-term filter would make sense.

    Finally, I would have to agree with your filter approach: I like your arguments, and as you said, it wasn’t a lightly made decision – you proved it!

    Thanks again.


    how can we finally get the image for term->ID
    say I have this code. It selects child categories of a category. Now I want to do for each child category something, like print the name, description and the image and so on.

    $termID = 4242;
    $taxonomyName = "category";
    $termchildren = get_term_children( $termID, $taxonomyName );
    foreach ($termchildren as $child) {
      // how to get the image for the $child?
    Plugin Contributor Michael Fields


    This is an oversight on my part … Had no idea that get_term_children() even existed. It’s really rare that I will use term hierarchies though. Please provide the context that you will be using this function and I’ll see what I can do bout coming up with a filter for it.


    the get_term_children() is not important. What is important is to get the image of the taxonomy term’s ID (when ever, inside-outside loop, or on any page. Not only on taxonomy template).

    Like: “give me image of this term ID.” that’s all.

    thank you 2046

    Plugin Contributor Michael Fields


    I do not believe that creating a “give me image of this term ID.” is the correct way of handling this. It’s not that it is hard, it’s just not in users best interest’s. Please read above for explanations as to why.

    The best solution here would probably be to create new filter that is hooked to a recursive function which will filter an array of term objects. This way devs can use whichever core functions they need to to get the terms that they need and then pass them through the filter which will query all of the images in one pass caching the image objects as well as their meta and adding a new property of image_id to each object in the array.

    In the old version of your plugin a was able to do it by calling
    do_action( 'taxonomy_image_plugin_print_image_html', 'thumbnail' ); (if I remember right), and so I thought I’ll be able to do it again by new function of the new version, but haven’t found one.

    So I thought a would use “taxonomy-images-get-terms” as you mentioned in your description, but haven’t been able to figure it how.

    You will want to use the ‘taxonomy-images-get-terms’ filter. This filter is basically a wrapper for WordPress core function get_terms(). It will return an array of enhanced term objects: each term object will have a custom property named image_id which is an integer representing the database ID of the image associated with the term. This filter can be used to create custom lists of terms. Here’s what it’s default useage looks like…

    I do not need neccesarily the picture ID. The image url, or similar output is also pretty sufficient.

    thanks again 2…

    Plugin Contributor Michael Fields


    In the old version of your plugin a was able to do it by calling
    do_action( ‘taxonomy_image_plugin_print_image_html’, ‘thumbnail’ ); (if I remember right), and so I thought I’ll be able to do it again by new function of the new version, but haven’t found one.

    Yeah, this was deprecated in version 0.6 … unfortunately there is no new method for this. I think that it is not really necessary.

    So I thought a would use “taxonomy-images-get-terms” as you mentioned in your description, but haven’t been able to figure it how.

    Sorry to hear this. While, I feel that the documentation of the plugin is pretty good … I’m starting to realize that it is insufficient for many uses. I’ll be fixing this by creating a site with mini tutorials dedicated to this plugin. I think that a more “process oriented” documentation will be easier for users to integrate with their themes.

    There will also be integrations with Taxonomy List Shortcode (waiting for WordPress 3.2 so I do not need to include a nasty workaround. see 18128) as well as widget support in Taxonomy Image plugin.

    I do not need neccesarily the picture ID. The image url, or similar output is also pretty sufficient.

    It’s really easy to use the ID to do anything you want. You can pass it to core functions to get the image’s src, html markup, metadata or complete post object:

    Here’s one way to get the source:

    $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $term->image_id, 'thumbnail' );
    if ( isset( $img[0] ) ) {
    	$src = $img[0];

    The get_the_terms() and get_terms() wrapper functions were introduced to extend core functionality by providing the image ID + caching the images. I’ll see about writing better tutorial-style docs for the usage. Until then post the code you are using and what it needs to do and I’ll take a look.

    Thank for your constant help.
    I know how to get the image by the wp_get_attachment_image_src
    The problem is that if you call

    $terms = get_terms('category','child_of=4242');
    foraech ($terms as $term){
      $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $term->image_id, 'thumbnail');
        if ( isset( $img[0] ) ) {
      	$src = $img[0];

    you wont get the img_id because the get_terms function know nothing about it.

    and if I run something like (and I enhance it with the third parameter especially term_args):

    $t_args = array(
    	'taxonomy' => 'category',
    	'having_images' => true,
    	'term_args' => array(
    		'child_of' => 4242
    $term_s = apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-get-terms', '',$t_args );

    that returns an empty array as well, although the child terms have surely some images.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Fields


    Sorry, was a bit tired when I wrote this. I was trying to illustrate new functionality that I would add to the plugin. This should be clearer:

    $terms = get_terms('category','child_of=4242');
    $terms = apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-setup-terms', $terms );
    foreach ($terms as $term){
      $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $term->image_id, 'thumbnail');
        if ( isset( $img[0] ) ) {
      	$src = $img[0];

    This filter would allow you to get an array of terms using any core function and then filter the array adding a property for image_id to each term object. This may be easier to understand for some people. Thoughts?

    $term_s = apply_filters( ‘taxonomy-images-get-terms’, ”,$t_args );
    that returns an empty array as well, although the child terms have surely some images.

    I did some investigating here … and you totally found a bug with this filter… sorry about that … It has to do with my function passing and array with a single values as the taxonomy arg of get_terms(). I thought that I tested this pretty throughly, but I guess not. Will fix soon for sure and then release a new version.



    I have tried you last code and I’m sorry to say, it doesn’t work the way “we” expected.
    the first row gives me expected output (array), that’s OK.
    But when I run the second row with the filter, the I receive “NULL
    So the foreach triggers an error because it has nothing to go through.

    I’m still bit confused. In your description You write about a third parameter. By this I understand(maybe I’m wrong) a third value in the filter:
    apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-get-terms', '',$third_paramater );

    but you wrote you code like:
    apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-setup-terms', $terms );
    where you used second parameter, but quoted my code
    apply_filters( ‘taxonomy-images-get-terms’, ”,$t_args );
    as something relevant where I found a bug…but in this case the terms array is on the third position.

    So what do you mean by third parameter then?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Fields


    To make a long story short. There is a bug in core:


    hmm, interesting, hope someone finds the way how to fix it.

    it won’t be me obviously ?? ??

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