Hi Tabitha,
I would have helped you with this problem 2 weeks ago, but it wasn’t tagged for Spam Free WordPress support so I didn’t know your question existed until finding it accidently in a Google search.
The message:
“Error 1: Click back and type in the password”
is generated by Spam Free WordPress when no password or an incorrect password is entered into the comment form when leaving a comment. This message can also occur if the password field is not showing on the comment form due to improper installation.
If you can see the password field on the comment form then the plugin is installed correctly. Your new theme probably required you to copy and paste the following line of code to properly generate the password field on the comment form:
<?php if(function_exists ('tl_spam_free_wordpress_comments_form')) { tl_spam_free_wordpress_comments_form(); } ?>
Please see https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/spam-free-wordpress/installation/ for more detailed directions.