Actually, there is.
Again, here’s my code from my index.php (main page):
<?php if (is_category()) { $posts = query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=title&order=asc&posts_per_page=-1'); } ?>
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
The ‘posts_per_page=-1’ tells it to post them all.
Here is the code further down that tells it whether to use just the title & date or output content too:
<?php if (is_home() || is_date() || is_author()) { ?>
<div class="meta"><?php _e("filed under"); ?> <?php the_category(',') ?> <?php _e("on");?> <?php the_time('l j F Y'); ?> <?php _e("at");?> <?php the_time() ?> <?php edit_post_link(__('Edit This')); ?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="meta"><?php _e("on");?> <?php the_time('l j F Y'); ?> <?php _e("at");?> <?php the_time() ?> <?php edit_post_link(__('Edit This')); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (!is_category() || !is_archive()) { ?>
<div class="storycontent">
<?php if (is_home() || is_date() || is_author() || is_archive() || is_category()) {
if ( in_category('5') ) { the_excerpt_reloaded(30, <i><em><img><a><b>
<ol><br>, content, TRUE, (more...), TRUE, 2, TRUE);
} else {
the_excerpt_reloaded(50, <i><em><img><a><b>
<ol><br>, content, TRUE, (more...), TRUE, 2, TRUE);
} else { the_content(); }?>
(Note: I am using the_excerpt_reloaded () plug-in rather than the default the_excerpt() function.)
Here‘s how my category pages look as opposed to my index page.