Problem with Menus in SimpleFolio Theme
I am struggling with the SimpleFolio theme on my site
Every time I add a page, regardless if I tell it to add the page to the main menu it includes it anyway. From the admin interface it looks like I should have to explicitly tell it to add new pages to the menu, but that isn’t how it is working. Can someone help point me in the right direction about what I need to do to not include every page in the main menu?
Thanks in advance.
I just installed the theme myself. im having trouble putting the top image on and making the columns.
Any help making the frame of the site look similair to this:
I ended up modifying the header.php file to add the banner and the intro copy that goes on every page. That is probably the place to start.
Hi, Brock,
I am sorry I can’t help you with your original question, but could you please share what code you inserted in the header to get the banner image to show and the intro copy as well.
And as far as the title of the forum in top left you just created a custom image (pistol) with text and then modified the header, right?
Also are you just using the “home” templet?
I am sorry about all the questions but there’s no info anywhere else and the theme’s support site is down. I really want to get my theme to at least where you are now, so I’ll be really grateful in advance for any help.
Also, my theme displays year 2009 at the bottom, so does that mean I have an outdated copy in the first place? If so where can I get (download) the updated 2011 copy?
Thanks for any help!
I feel your pain. I am happy to try to answer your questions, but remember, I am not much of a coder.. so YMMV.
Regarding the header image, I uploaded my graphic and then updated the “Custom Logo” field in the “Theme Options Tab” That is the banner with the pistol and the Conceal and Carry Headquarters copy:
To get the horizontal banner and the intro copy to ride on every page, I had to modify the header.php file. Here is the original code:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
And here is what I appended to the BOTTOM of this file to get the banner and intro copy to show up.
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
If you wouldn’t mind, would you try something for me? Add new pages to your site and see if it auto includes them in your menu? Can you choose what pages go in the menu and which are left out? Right now ever page I create goes into the menu whether I want it to or not. I suspect I have broken the function somewhere with these edits, but I don’t know where or how.
Hi Brock. Can’t thank you enough, that was extremely helpful.
As for the menus – yes it looks like every page you create just goes to the top menu automatically and the only thing you can manage is the order in which they appear there, however you can create a custom menu and only include whatever you want in it, but you only use that for the side bar.
Such a nice template but what a pain to work with.
I also noticed that the “Home” template doesn’t permit any content or side bar and only has one widget on the bottom, is that correct?
Ok, here’s an idea about the menus. If you don’t put a title for the page it won’t show in the top menu after you publish it, however you can give it a name through navigation label in the custom menu for the side bar.
Hey, did you get the code you needed? I guess I inadvertently ran afoul of the forum rules by posting too many lines of code at once (sorry mods). If you still need it let me know and I can re-post it using the correct procedures.
Yea, I got it, Brock, thanks a lot!
Now I at least got the site off the ground.I know, another HQ, how original lol.
Hey, Brock. If you are still looking for the answer to the original question, there is a plugin called Page Link Manager that allows you to manage which page goes to the main menu. Hope this helps.
Hi Brock,
Would you be willing to share that code again? It looks like I did not see your post in time before the code was removed.
Sure. I am happy to repost the code the correct way. I will get it up there for you this evening.
I also figured out how to change the menus if you need that info as well.
Yes, if you could pass along that info as well that would be great, thanks!
Here is my original post with the code added (hopefully) in the correct way. This shows how to change the header to get the image banner and the consistent paragraph of text on all pages. You can see this on my site
I feel your pain. I am happy to try to answer your questions, but remember, I am not much of a coder.. so YMMV.
Regarding the header image, I uploaded my graphic and then updated the “Custom Logo” field in the “Theme Options Tab” That is the banner with the pistol and the Conceal and Carry Headquarters copy:
To get the horizontal banner and the intro copy to ride on every page, I had to modify the header.php file. Here is the original code:
And here is what I appended to the BOTTOM of this file to get the banner and intro copy to show up.
<div id="slider1"> <img src="" border="none"> </div> <div class="slogan"> <h2><br>Conceal and Carry - Information and Training Classes</h2> <p>Welcome to <b>Conceal and Carry</b> Headquarters – The leading online resource for information about handgun conceal and carry laws throughout the US with specific state laws and training requirements, a list of resources for where to get the highest quality conceal and carry permit training, articles on proper safety procedures, and interviews with instructors and law enforcement to help you get the information you need to make informed personal decisions about whether conceal and carry is right for you. </div>
I will post how I fixed the menus separately to help keep them clear.
To Fix the Menus, here is what I did.
Here are the CODE changes:
First, in the functions.php file add this code to the top of the file. This will allow you to create and use 2 custom menus one for the top of the page, and one for the bottom in the footer:
/* Register Functions - Added to original theme */ function register_my_menus() { register_nav_menus( array( 'header-menu' => __( 'Header Menu' ), 'footer-menu' => __( 'Footer Menu' )) ); } add_action( 'init', 'register_my_menus' );
Then in the header.php file I replaced this code:
<ul class="sf-menu" id="nav"> <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?> </ul>
with this code:
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'header-menu', 'menu_class' => 'sf-menu', 'menu_id' => 'nav' ) ); ?>
in the footer.php file I replaced this code:
<ul> <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1'); ?> </ul>
with this code:
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'footer-menu' ) ); ?>
Then in the WP dashboard interface:
Go to the MENUS area. In the ‘Screen Options’ Tab at the top of the page make sure ‘Theme Locations’ are checked. (I have all of the check boxes turned on).
Now you should have the ability to define and set a custom menu for both the header and the footer of your page.
Again, if you want to see my page for an example, you can check it out here:
Let me know if this works for you and if it was helpful. As I say, I am not much of a coder, but I have dug into this problem and I think I understand how it is working.
Thanks Brock!
One more question. I’m having trouble getting my custom logo to display. I’m not sure if you’re using to host your site but if you are maybe you can help. How do I find what the direct URL is to where I have the image stored on the server? Do I need to store it in a specific place?
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