• To help you and everyone else here, there is a new article on WordPress Site Reviews on the WordPress Codex, documentation site. This gives a good outline of what to expect from a review of your site here, and how to prepare to have your site reviewed.

    Basically, any website powered by WordPress is eligible to be reviewed. While the reviewers may make some oooooing and aaaaahhhhhing noises over your site, the reviews are expected to be fair and impartial to content, focusing on the layout, design elements, problems with codes, uses of Plugins and template tags, templates, and overall usage of WordPress. Reviewers will check the front page, single post view, categories, and archives, unless specifically requested otherwise, to check that the “look” of the site is consistent throughout, checking for inconsistencies and trouble spots.

    To help reviewers concentrate on your site’s presentation and use of WordPress features, please make sure you have fully checked your site for errors and have at least three posts on your site to help them inspect the non-single post views like the front page, categories and archives.

    When you post your site review request, please say a little bit about your site, what you expect from the reviewer (gentle or tough critique), and your level of expertise to “fix” any problems they find so they will know how to give you the information you need to improve your site.

    Provide a full link to your site on it’s own line starting with the http like this:

    Support Forums

    This will help reviewers get to your site faster.

    Reviewers are volunteers and they enjoy doing this, so the more you can help them, the faster your site will be reviewed and their easier their task will be. Remember, this is a learning experience for everyone.

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  • avinash.vora

    The link to my site, I’d love to see a critical review. Feel free to criticise it as much as you want.

    It is a weblog/personal portal/repository. I write articles regularly for the weblog, and through my site I have a collection of my downloads, articles I have written for magazines, my photos and scripts.

    The front page of my site is completely valid, XHTML 1.0 Strict, and CSS, however, whenever I use a blockquote the validator gives me an error. WordPress surrounds my
    blockquote’s with tags, and I think this is the reason. I don’t know how to avoid it.

    Thanks for taking the time to look through and review my site.

    Can’t edit but I just fixed that blockquote problem…everything should validate now.

    Thread Starter Lorelle


    Please post your request to the entire section not as a reply to this link, and you will get a response. If you have a question about the Review criteria, post it here.

    Thank you.

    My new wordpress site:
    https://blog.chinawebmasterworld.com/ (In Chinese)

    I have taken a general design template from wordpress and edited it. I would like feedback on the content mainly. You can critique the layout and design as well.

    Thanks for your help,

    And I quote:

    Please post your request to the entire section not as a reply to this link, and you will get a response. If you have a question about the Review criteria, post it here.

    Thank you.

    I am green when it comes to code, my site is a few months old and I’m looking to for some constructive, informative, and helpful feedback, on the site overall.
    Issues I know I have and can’t seem to fix…
    1) When viewed using FireFox the header won’t center. I can’t seem to correct this.
    2)I would like to have the ” Pages (13) : [1]2 3 ?? … Last ?? ” thats at the bottom of the last post,on the MAIN page, show with a gray background, like the post themselves are.

    Other than that, I average about 250 hits with 400 page views a day. If this beginner needs to make any changes, please let me know and if you would be so kind as to suggest how to make them if its a code thing.

    Thanks in advance
    High Octane

    “And I quote:

    Please post your request to the entire section not as a reply to this link, and you will get a response. If you have a question about the Review criteria, post it here.”

    OOPs, I reposted hopefully in the correct area this time.
    “Rush and do it twice”

    Hey everyone,

    Here’s my blog:


    I’m using the Letterhead theme. But if you have any suggestions on how I can tweak it and my site to be more visually appealing, I’m all ears.


    This is so unbelievable it’s funny.

    Please post your request to the entire section not as a reply to this link, and you will get a response. If you have a question about the Review criteria, post it here.


    I’d appreciate any comments regarding the style and content of my new blog, ToroTech’s Realm. I have about 15 posts starting from about 1 month ago. The site is about everything within my realm, with a specific focus on stuff I enjoy including photography, technology, travel, and more.


    Read again the bold text above your post ??

    (= this thread is about the reviewing citeria or, at least, it is supposed to be about that, not about requests for individual reviews!)

    I tend to think it would be best closed, perhaps…. it’s apparent people can’t be bothered to actually READ.

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