Godaddy 4GH Deluxe for WordPress: Not a good choice
Seems that the Brand New GoDaddy’s 4GH “Deluxe” hosting isn’t really deluxe. After two weeks of hosting WordPress on one of these crowded servers I decided I had enough of my site’s abnormal slowliness and the bad quality of their customer support.
Yes, I confirm it, their hosting is slow and crashes even when you know you’re the only one visiting it.
I called GoDaddy customer service two times in vain. Each time I got the same representative and the same answers: After waiting 5+ mins they always came and said “Well we did a test on our servers and saw nothing wrong.. Check your plugins” When I explained to them that not only WordPress was slow but also my phpBB3 forums they then tried to sell me more stuff: “Well, you know, I see your site is really detailed and professional… I suggest you to try our [INSERT HOSTING UPDRAGE HERE]” and that’s it. Fix’d!
But the funny thing is that, again, I currently was the only visitor in my website. Just imagine how will it do with 5 more people on it… They’ll probably shut the whole thing down lol.
? After doing some reverse IP checks, I found an interesting fact:
In the same server my website was there was other — 6,919 — domains too! And when I switched to HostGator (a few minutes before writing this thread), only — 23 — domains were hosted on the same IP I was assigned to. Nice business model, GoDaddy.The point of this post is to warn unexperienced users of these kind of hosting. They’re just not worth it.
PS: I won’t post my URL because I’m already switching hosting…
PS2: Probably a GoDaddy rep will reply to this thread in an effort to keep me as a customer (and to show they “care” about their users).
But I’m not calling for support a third time lol.. I’m done with them… well at least for hosting.I hope this thread will help someone in the future.
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