• Resolved danm


    Ok, I just made sure before I posted that my CSS is valid, as is my XHTML.
    If you visit my site in Firefox, the last post is pushed over to the right for some strange reason, but this only appears when they’re classed as ‘asides’ (using an implementation of matt’s asides).
    I can’t see what’s wrong with my generic list code to cause this to occur, hence it must be some padding/margin issue. Yet playing around with the web dev toolbar and changing suspicious values hasn’t helped me solve the problem. I’ve only posted a few entries since I’ve been redesiging over the weekend, thus I didn’t notice anything was amiss till now.

    Looks fine in Opera and IE.

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  • Ignore that ….. still looking.

    This isn’t a a direct answer to your question, but your aside entries are siting in the “col” div, rather than having a div of their own like regular entries. You might try putting each aside in a div, and I bet that would fix the problem.

    Thread Starter danm


    Fraid not, brainwidth. ??

    The problem is very much the CSS.
    There are floated elements with no proper widths (bad) and the asides listing is actually starting behind the navbox but because there is a mismatch in widths, it squeezes the list on the end.
    Sort the navbox properties and the asides should behave.


    Thread Starter danm


    Gah, thought it would have been the fancy new menu ??_??
    Much thanks Podz.

    Thread Starter danm


    Err, actually Podz could you give me a little more guidance in solving this? I was using the horizontal list navigation from listamatic before and had a mess around with getting rid of the floats from that… which solved the problem, but aesthetically wasn’t that pleasing.

    What is the problem ?

    While you are troubleshooting any placement issues, it will help to colour different areas – that way things will clearly show up.

    Thread Starter danm


    Ah, got it! By adding a clear: left rule to the CSS that controls the lists ??

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