Go to the Photo Albums admin page. You will see a table (list) of albums you made. Press Edit on the line of the album where the photos are in.
You will get a screen with the album properties in the top part – where you can change everything if you like – and when scrolling down, you will see all the photos that are in the album.
Here you can change the names of the photos (right hand side) and add descriptions that even may contain html and/or links if you enabled that (Table IX, item 4).
The initial names (created at upload time) are the original filenames. You may change these names in whatever you like. The internal filenames whereby wppa+ recognizes the photos are of no interest to you, they are like 12.jpg 13.jpg, (the sequence number and the file extension).
If you uncheck fullsize name (Table II item 10) the name will not be displayed in the slideshow, if you uncheck thumbnail name (Table II item 14) the name will not be displayed under the thumbnails. Maybe you forgot to press Save Changes ? Or refresh the browser (CTRL + F5).
Answer 2:
The same Edit Album page as we opened for answer 1 contains the item: Photo order: If you select Order #, and you give each photo a different Photo order #, that sequence will be applied.
If you want a ‘last item on top’ kind of ordering, you can set the ordering Descending (Table IV item 22). This is a system wide setting. If you select — default — in the edit album page, the setting in Table IV item 21 will be used for that album.
Do not confuse the Photo order setting with the Sort Order # in the upper part of the screen as that is the sequence order # of the album.
Here also, do not forget to press Save All Changes.