• My brother and I made our first theme for wordpress, you can check it out at subLIMEnal.

    The theme didn’t turn out exactly like I wanted it to, but I learned a lot from the process and what factors I need to keep in mind when I make my next theme. I just wanted to get my theme out there and see what people think, what could be improved upon, and if see if anyone notices some bugs, just all around constructive criticism. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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  • Very neat theme justbrody ??

    I like the look. Suggestion would be to release it in other colours as well.

    I agree; a really cool theme. It’s rare to find a lime green foundation that has a professional and efficient aura, yours does. Next week I’ll include it in my site’s selection of themes. I’m eager to see your next projects.

    Thread Starter justbr0dy


    Thanks guys. I notice a lot of people release themes under some sort of Creative Commons license (or something?) so that it can be freely available to use by everyone. Is this something I should look into? Do you have to sign up for one, or is it something that you just “say and it is so?”

    creative common info


    Real nice theme, Top notch in my books. I am using it now on my website at https://makki.hostdi.info/


    Thread Starter justbr0dy


    Thanks for the link Monika. So basically I just say it’s released under the Creative Commons license, link to their site, and that’s all I have to do?

    Thank you also, Makki. Glad you like it ^_^

    Cool theme ??

    How do you insert the rating stars? Is that a plugin, or do you just insert the file by hand?

    Thread Starter justbr0dy


    I have 11 images with all the different ratings and I just insert the correct rating by hand. My brother says there’s any easier way, but I don’t know any code so I can’t do it. It would be a cool plugin though.

    I use a plugin called gatorize which adds ratings to my posts

    Thread Starter justbr0dy


    I don’t think we’re talking about the same kind of ratings. The gatorize thing seems to be some kind of popularity rating, but mine was just used for my personal rating of a movie or book.

    Cool. A clean fun theme that validates.

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