That are great news! Because sometimes have not all under control. But it is often my fault.
Currently, I’m working on a version with new features like a different file picker, a feature to modify the <guid> element and the <itunes:image> on the item level.
A lot of these feature are already here:
(The new file picker is in this version only available if you keep the “Absolute path of the media files directory (optional)” field empty.)
But I thought to retire in version 8.8.11 the two options in the “Location of the Media Files” section with all consequences:
– converting all podPressMedia URI value which consist only of the file names to full URLs (I thought of a dialog which will be displayed after the upgrade.)
– retiring probably the Full+ stats method which needs a path at some point
– I also thought about cleaning up the part with the old file picker (select box) in the admin_class.php and maybe removing the Podango stuff
I’m in the middle of that but it is not ready to upload it to the branch folder.
Well, I like to hear more about your plans and what you think about my plan and the 8.8.11 branch version.
It is great that you are back!