• Does anyone know how to implement a hack that will prevent anyone browsing my site under the age 15 from viewing certain posts. I’ve considered using the password protection and putting a notice up saying by typing this password “whatever” into the password box you are confirm you are 15 years or older. But i’d rather not, because i’d like to use the password feature for other stuff.

    Does that make sense?

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  • This cannot exist – how can the software know ?

    All I can think of is some sort of entry requirement but even so, what’s to stop them lying ? Is this related to those odd ‘minors’ laws in the US ?

    Thread Starter emacle


    I was thinking something along the lines of a form that appears the first time you logon onto the site, which asks you to agree that you are over 15years of age, by typing your full name and clicking I AGREE. At least i’ve made it clear that my site may not suitable for under 15s and if they lie to get access and read or see something they dont like, they are to blame and no parent can email me with a lawsuit.

    It has nothing to do with the US or UK Laws. It’s just that my site will contain strong language and the occasional R-rated image. It’s nothing x-rated, just don’t want my son for example (who’s only 6) getting onto my site at his mums house, seeing/reading something offensive and his mother ringing me up telling me i’ve just lost the weekend access to my son rights… A bit OTT, but you get my point ?

    Should I just stick to the password protected option then?

    we’ve been through this before. there are ‘minors’ laws in many countries…

    The best thing to do is require registration, and as part of the registration process have a button saying “I am X or older”, and another backup in the text before the submit button… Beyond that, there’s nothing more you can do — except not make an adult-oriented site. ??

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