My net is slow right now so i won’t comment on the loading times. Your blog has some good content and a nice logo too. Here are a few things you can improve on.
1) Use a plugin – “better read more” to make your “read more” links at the end of your posts on the homepage more seo friendly. currently it ends with “#more-54”
2) Displaying the full post on the homepage is making your homepage scroll a bit too long. using the “more” tag after the first or second paragraph is a good way to do it.
3) Get some social media atention to your blog, get a facebook/twitter profile. Use feedburner for your feeds. Once you have these profile links, you can link your social icons on the sidebar with those links.
4) Put some social voting buttons on the blog posts, like facebook share etc. I suggest digg-digg plugin for wordpress which has all those features.
Overall your blog is good, keep it updated,