I tried that … it has nothing to do with plug-ins.
I think it may have something to do with changing the header.
You see I am new to wordpress, new to php and on top of it all the new admin of a wordpress site.
Thing is, the page am working on has a theme that was specifcally coded for this very site. This theme now has to be modified.
Problem, someone made a menubar above the header image with the following code:
foreach ($GLOBALS['dgsmain']->rootPages as $name=>$page) {
if (!$GLOBALS['dgsmain']->isMainMenuItem($page->post_name))
$_img = get_theme_root_uri() . '/dgs/images/main/_'.$page->post_name . '.gif';
$img = get_theme_root_uri() . '/dgs/images/main/'.$page->post_name . '.gif';
$link = $GLOBALS['dgsmain']->getPageLink($page->ID);
$item = ' <li id="' . $page->post_name .
'"><a href="' . $link . '"><img class="{src: \''.$_img.'\'}" src="'.$img.
'" alt="' .$page->post_title . '"/></a></li>';
echo ($item);
I do not know what this code exactly does, I only know the results and the result is, a menubar on top, which consists of images, those images are containing the names of the pages they belong to.
If you change a page you have to design a new image …. pretty stupid I think.
Therefor I replaced the code with this here:
<div id="navmenu">
<li><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>">START</a></li>
<?php $arguments = array('depth' => '1', 'title_li' => '', 'exclude' => '269,90');
wp_list_pages($arguments); ?>
Result looks similar, only now the links change when the pages are changing and one does not need images anymore.
One of the buttons/links I replaced contained a schedule an this schedule now is broken, I guess something the old code generated now is gone…. and therefor it does not work anymore.
Should you or anybody else be willing to offer further assistance it would be appreaciated.