That did not work for me. Yet it made the overlay beyond the visible screen, it is pretty difficult to adjust it to the whole wrapper/page height. Besides, as Johnathan pointed, every browser will render it different (i.e., in my case I need to adjust it at 250% but different browsers and different monitor resolution -obviously- make that that doesn’t work: either goes beyond the footer or doesn’t cover it).
What really DID work for me was to change the position property from ‘absolute’ to ‘fixed’ in #eModal-Overlay (themes/default/styles.css). I tested on IE8, Chrome and Safari and FF (3 of them up to date) and does for me.
Apart from that, with the old versions, the modal was automaticly centered on the screen wherever you were, even if scrolling. This last version doesn’t do that any more. To make it work I just modified the easy-modal.js and added this into line 82.:
resizeTimer = setTimeout(function(){
}, 100)
This was on the old versions but not in this last one. It might easily be on purpose by the developer, but it has worked for me so far.
Said that, please note I am quite a newbie so I’m not sure what I’m messing with. I am pretty sure all this will be solved in the next update (1.0.4?) so maybe it is worth to wait.
Any easier ideas will be much appreciated.