• Despite paying for the PRO version I have been unable to get any support from wpStorecart – I can’t even register on their website to post to the forum.

    So be warned if you are planning to purchase the PRO version in the hope of getting support.

    My problems seem quite fundamental, to the extent that the plugin is unusable – so again be warned.

    Meanwhile, can anyone here help with these problems, namely:

    1. Unable to register on the wpStorecart website – no email sent with password
    2. My checkout page displays the normal shopping page rather than the checkout information. It does have the correct short code entry on the page, and it did used to work (probably stopped when I tried renaming the checkout page). The checkout widget does work. Any thoughts on how to fix?
    3. Is there any way to reset the wpStoreCart configuration (to resolve the above problem)? I tried removing the plugin but the settings come back as before when re-installed. It really needs a proper uninstall option.
    4. The money order checkout does not work – all I get is the pre-defined message, and a blank text entry box. No email is sent out.
    5. How do I add some fields to the money order checkout to collect things like name, phone, etc?

    If anyone can help with the above, or post to the wpStorecart forum on my behalf, I would be very grateful.

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  • Thank you very much for purchasing. I’m Jeff, the owner, programmer, and main support staff for wpStoreCart. I’d like to personally thank you again for purchasing and offer my sincerest apologies for the difficulties you have experienced with our website. I’m here to do whatever I can to help you.

    1. Unable to register on the wpStorecart website – no email sent with password

    I will take care of this immediately. I can create an account for you or reset your password if it’s already registered.

    For the sake of determining whether or not there are registration issues with our website, I investigated the registration process very throughly.

    I used some test email accounts to see if I could register and receive the emails. While I do not doubt you experienced difficulties (which I seek to resolve immediately) the registration worked fine for me each time, and I was able to set my password during the checkout registration screen, and from wp-login.php. The recover lost password page worked in all my tests as well.

    So my first thought then is that you went through checkout using the “Guest Checkout” feature, rather than registering on the site. This is not a method of registering with WordPress, it’s a literally a “Guest” Checkout process, so that is one possible reason you wouldn’t receive a password by email. If, if you did register at a later time, it may have been placed in your spam folder. Also, if you actually registered at the time of checkout, it forces you to pick a password, but it does not email you the password because you chose it. However, the recover lost password page would work in that instance, so I’m leaning towards the Guest checkout. Does that sound right?

    Regardless of that, let me fix this for you. Please just email me at [email protected] and please specify your PayPal transaction ID and a username you’d like to use or have already chosen. I’ll reply with a temporary password and a fully accessible account with access to the Support Ticket system.

    2. My checkout page displays the normal shopping page rather than the checkout information. It does have the correct short code entry on the page, and it did used to work (probably stopped when I tried renaming the checkout page). The checkout widget does work. Any thoughts on how to fix?

    I think you may be right. My guess is that you have the WYSIWYG TinyMCE editor on, or at least had it on when you renamed the checkout page. If so, my advice is to go back and edit the checkout page again, switch to HTML editor mode, and then repaste the shortcode in, which for reference is:
    [wpstorecart display="checkout"]

    The few times I’ve seen this issue, that solution is what fixed it.

    3. Is there any way to reset the wpStoreCart configuration (to resolve the above problem)? I tried removing the plugin but the settings come back as before when re-installed. It really needs a proper uninstall option.

    Consider it done. Proper Uninstall button will be available in the next release. For now, you could drop the wpstorecart_products, wpstorecart_meta, wpstorecart_categories, wpstorecart_orders, wpstorecart_av, wpstorecart_cart, wpstorecart_coupons, and wpstorecart_log tables. Then delete the options by executing this SQL:
    DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = "wpStoreCartAdminOptions";

    4. The money order checkout does not work – all I get is the pre-defined message, and a blank text entry box. No email is sent out.

    5. How do I add some fields to the money order checkout to collect things like name, phone, etc?

    The Money Order option is a catchall for any specific need you have. It’s intended use is for you to edit the predefined message and tell your customers exactly what information you need from them. Some use it for wire transfers, to accept checks, for service and volunteering. You can edit the custom text at
    wp-admin > wpStoreCart > Settings > Payment > Check/Money Order/COD Payments > Text to Display >

    Regarding adding fields for name, phone, etc, that is done in the process directly before checkout. There is an entire custom fields system located at:
    wp-admin > wpStoreCart > Settings > Customers >

    from there you can specify exactly what optional and required information you need.

    Well, I hope this helps put your mind at ease that I am here to help. Once you get logged in, the support ticket system is what I recommend for fast and friendly help. Thanks again for purchasing, and I’ll be looking for your email. Have a great weekend and let me know how I can help.

    Thread Starter mortod


    Thanks Jeff. I’m now up and running.

    I have to say, that when I was having the above problems I went off in search of other ecommerce plugins but kept coming back to yours as the most flexable and suitable for my requirement. Thanks for a great plugin and for sorting me out above.

    Regarding the 4th & 5th points, i have a question:

    does this check/money order checkout has email notification to customer ?
    such as confirmation email saying that the order has been received and so on.

    I really hope someone can help me out with this issue.I would be very grateful. Thanks

    I have not been able to get a response from the owner either.

    I simply want to there to be no email entry field/requirement for my “guest checkout” customers.

    It hurts conversion. Please.

    PS i purchased the pro version and still, no support.

    Thank you for the feature request. Currently it is not possible, but we’ll keep the idea in mind for future versions. Our site is currently undergoing maintenance and will return on Monday.

    When is the site going to be up? I’m quite inexperienced at all this and i could use access to some literature. I’ve bought the PRO version and 1 hour later the site was shut down. i need to know how to use the affiliates plug as well as everything else in full detail before i go off and start pushing buttons (took me a half a day to figure out the register globals problem). Im self self hosted on my own server rack and clueless (Thank God I know how to back up things…). I bought this so I can launch a product and get a company off the ground. What’s going on?

    I purchased the PRO version to beat the May 1 deadline and until today (May 10), I have not been able to get any connection with their helpdesk.

    Every link I followed from Google search ends up on a page with this message:

    We’ll be back on Monday with a new site, as well as a public beta of wpStoreCart 3 for anyone to download and use. Thank you for your patience!

    I am also having a checking out problem. I get an empty page. And I can’t use the plugin.

    Now I am wondering if the company has packed up.

    I was hoping to get to play with the Beta but never received an email – despite being signed up within the first 15 people or so. =(

    Anyway, I can’t get to the site; for the last several days all that I get for ANY link is “Beta has been released! …. We’ll be back…” I’m getting a bit depressed – I was hoping for so much more – especially as I paid for the program…

    hanging by a thread in Colorado…


    I am only posting here as I have called you 3 times and emailed twice to admin and jeff@ with no responses. I need to get my site up and going and you are holding the key to that. I have payed using my paypal account but cannot unlock the pro version of wpstorecart. Also, your site was supposed to be up on Monday and it is still down, every time I try to find a “backdoor” way in, it just takes me back to the static page of the site being down.

    What do we need to do here? If I here nothing by tomorrow, I will be reporting this to paypal.

    Thanks for your prompt response Jeff


    I have found the pro version you emailed me but need access to your site to trouble shoot.



    How can I download the PRO version plugin. I purchased it last night but the site is down with only an admin login available.

    I’d also like to get on to the wpStorecart forums as I am a complete noobnuts at this kind of stuff.

    wondering if it is possible to display the drop down options in the main store page that are seen on the checkout page

    I’m just trying this plugin now.. I did notice that the Money Order/Check option’s page is missing an icon – so the customer cannot SUBMIT his/her order. Here is the page source:
    <textarea class=”wpsc-textarea” name=”manualresponsetext”></textarea><input type=”submit” Name=”Kaydet” class=”wpsc-button ” value=”Submit” /> </form>
    any idea what to do to have a submit button show up during the ordering process? Currently all the user sees is
    1) My blurb,
    2) A Textbox area..
    3) invisible submit box – if you know where it is, you can click it.

    Btw, the “Name=Kaydet” was something I just added – it doesn’t help nor hinder. It wasnt working before so I was trying things.

    Because my client is a qbms (intuit) user, I have downloaded this plugin, and paid for the PRO version, and tried to register on the website for support. I too have heard nothing.
    The reason for support is that since setting this plugin up on my site, with the self registration at check out, my website has had many spammed users show up, two days in a row. I’m not sure there are other qbms gateway shopping solutions for WordPress, but at this point, I think I just need to get a refund…which I’m not sure how to do if I can’t register…:(

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