• nerdorgeek.com

    I don’t know if my RSS works on my site and I don’t know what an RSS is actually at all. Can someone tell me if I have one and if I do does it work?

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  • This should help:

    WordPress Feeds

    Your site’s main RSS feed is at:


    I got my designer to create the RSS/ Facebook and Twitter icon on my site (https://jumpstarttutors.com) which unfortunately upon clicking does not direct me to the relevant link! Tried contacting the designer but to no avail. ANYONE can help?
    the below code is what i see on my header.php. Am an absolute nut when it comes to such codes.

    * WARNING: This file is part of the core Genesis framework. DO NOT edit
    * this file under any circumstances. Please do all modifications
    * in the form of a child theme.
    * Handles the header structure.
    * @package Genesis
    do_action( ‘genesis_doctype’ );
    do_action( ‘genesis_title’ );
    do_action( ‘genesis_meta’ );

    wp_head(); /** we need this for plugins **/
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://use.typekit.com/gfs5ksu.js”></script&gt;
    <script type=”text/javascript”>try{Typekit.load();}catch(e){}</script>
    <body <?php body_class(); ?>>
    do_action( ‘genesis_before’ );
    <div id=”wrap”>
    do_action( ‘genesis_before_header’ );
    do_action( ‘genesis_header’ );
    do_action( ‘genesis_after_header’ );

    echo ‘<div id=”inner”>’;
    genesis_structural_wrap( ‘inner’ );


    You’ve already created a separate topic for that question, which is the correct way to go about asking for help. It’s best not to derail another person’s topic with your own issue.

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