• I got my designer to create the RSS/ Facebook and Twitter icon on my site (https://jumpstarttutors.com) which unfortunately upon clicking does not direct me to the relevant link! Tried contacting the designer but to no avail. ANYONE can help?

    the below code is what i see on my header.php. Am an absolute nut when it comes to such codes. It would be great if someone out there can guide me along step by step. Thanks in advance!!!!

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

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  • The code for those icons looks to be in a text widget rather than hardcoded into the theme.

    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    so how do i go about linking them to my FB and twitter accounts? I don’t seem to see a FB/ Twitter widget. Under widget what I have are Profile, Tag cloud and enews.

    They’re in a text widget that is currently active in one of your sidebars. To create links you use the normal HTML <a> tag.


    It looks like the code for the links is already there, they just need their href attributes filled in with the proper URLs: href="https://example.com".

    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    how do i know where to locate this text widget you’ve mentioned or for that matter the sidebars? I tried searching through the css stylesheet and header.php but can’t seem to find the <a> tag you’ve mentioned.

    [Please post code snippets between backticks or use the code button.]

    After logging in to your site, go to:


    For reference: WordPress Widgets

    The <a> tag, is the normal way to create links in HTML. This, for example, would create a link to your site:

    <a href="https://jumpstarttutors.com">Your Site</a>

    In a text widget, you currently have this code:

    <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb345/pixelpinkmedia/Jump%20Start/facebook.png" border="0" alt="Facebook"></a>
    <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb345/pixelpinkmedia/Jump%20Start/twitter.png" border="0" alt="Twitter"></a>
    <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb345/pixelpinkmedia/Jump%20Start/email.png" border="0" alt="Email"></a>
    <a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb345/pixelpinkmedia/Jump%20Start/rss.png" border="0" alt="RSS"></a>

    Just replace the # in every href="#" with a proper URL and your images will link to those URL’s.

    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    OH MY U ARE AWESOME!!!! i’ve figured out the Facebook and twitter links but could you advise me what to put for the RSS and email?
    my email is [email protected]…i’ve tried replacing the # with that but it doesn’t seem to work.

    The URL for the site’s main feed is: https://jumpstarttutors.com/feed/

    WordPress Feeds

    For your email, you can use: href="mailto:[email protected]"

    You could also link to your existing contact page instead. I should mention that placing your email address out in the open like that will most likely result in a good amount of spam.

    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    Thank u thank u thank u soooo much!!! i got all the links working…
    u’ve got a point about exposing my email to spam..anyway to “prevent” that?

    oh by the way, this is on a separate note but do u have any idea how I can place a drop down menu to one of the pages? Under “Knowledge Base” i’m hoping to put a drop down which will link to the blog as well as one or two other pages. Is wordpress able to do that?

    If your theme supports it you can replace your current menu with a custom one:

    Appearance Menus Screen

    As for keeping your email spam free, this page should help:

    Protection From Harvesters

    I personally find the best way to prevent spammers grabbing your email is to use a contact form instead of giving out your email in the first place:


    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    Fabulous advice on the contact form!! thanks! hv incorporated it. Been trying to find something that I can use for registration form but can’t seem to figure out all those codes. any suggestion on that whereby i can customise the fields?

    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    hey Big Bagel…sorry to be such a bother but I realise i can use Contactform7 to customise!! WOOHOO!!! have managed to do so! thanks so much for your help!

    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    oh boo hoo!!! just as i thought I got it all set, i did a test by filling up the forms and expecting it to appear on my email. but all i received was:

    rom:XX (email)
    Subject: [Feedback]

    Message Body:

    This mail is sent via contact form on Jump Start https://jumpstarttutors.com

    I tried ploughing through the FAQ but can’t seem to solve. Some ppl on forum are saying it could be a server problem with godaddy.com….Any advice on this? ??

    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    ops wrong one….the text quoted above is when i filled up the contact form. Working fine. It’s the one i’ve just created for registration. Upon testing, it sent me an email which says:
    From: xxx <[email protected]>
    Subject: [your-subject]

    Message Body:

    This mail is sent via contact form on Jump Start https://jumpstarttutors.com

    I’ve created all the drop down menus etc etc as u can see on https://jumpstarttutors.com/tutor-registration/
    but none of the fields are reflected in the email sent.

    To have fields in your form reflected in the sent email(s), you have to insert the field in the appropriate place in the “Mail” and/or “Mail(2)” area. For example, if you create this field in the actual form:

    [text* text-905]

    You can then use this in the message body/subject/other items:


    I think this question in the Contact Form 7 faq might be useful:


    Thread Starter jumpstarttutors


    thanks so much!!! i’ve managed to get everything sorted now. Appreciate your help tremendously! ??

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