• I went through this all the way back to 1.2. Trackbacks have problems. For 1.2 , someone posted a “fix” to the board here, and I tried it, and it worked. But now we’re at 1.5.x and the darn things are broken again. Is this something that is considered a BUG? I have three other blogs (dotText, CommunityServer, and MT) , all of which have working trackbacks from the start, with no “tweaks” required. It just works. WordPress? NADA.

    I have a “copy” of my blog in a wordpress blog (imported about 2 months ago), but I will not change over unless I have compelling reasons to do so. My reason for looking at WordPress in the first place is that I can work with PHP much quicker than I can Perl (which is what MT uses), and Dreamweaver also helps me handle various PHP things. But with no Trackbacks, which I want to continue to utiize, and the seeming lack of interest in this as a feature to be addressed, the jury is still out for me.

    If there is a solution to this, I’d like to see it, but I have grown tired of it not being addressed in the actual code from a version standpoint, and having to search the boards for “tweaks”, since that would likely be something I’d have to redo every time that file gets updated by an upgrade. It mght be easy, and consist of only a couple of lines of code, but iis it too much to ask that trackbacks just work like all the other systems I’m running?



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  • Sorry you had problems with trackbacks but in all fairness, as many of the other threads explain, they are not “broken” per se. They work just fine on my site and many others.

    For those newbies and lookie-loos reading this thread, trackbacks do work – at least up to and including A few people have, however, experienced difficulty with them.

    Thread Starter dlature


    So why do 3 other blogs on the SAME server work fine, and yet WordPress does not?

    Thread Starter dlature


    Okay, if you could be more specific with what exactly you are having troubles with on your trackbacks, then we can get more specific with providing you with the help you need.

    Do they not show up? Do they show up “wrong”? Are they in the wrong place? Are they working but don’t show up? Are they working on some posts but not on others? Is it the sending of or receiving?

    I just sent a trackback to a post on the site and it did not show up so, assuming the admin settings are not supressing it, I believe they just don’t appear – in the database or post.

    If you sent a trackback from a post on your site to a post on your site, I think that ability was turned off in the lastest upgrade. If you sent a trackback from another site to your site:

    1. Are you using any comment spam plugins? Check those.
    2. Are you sure the link was “right”?
    3. Are you using permalinks?
    4. Are you using the latest upgrade to WordPress?

    Thread Starter dlature


    I’m using it “as is” via the install. No “plugins” except for a couple of themes. I did nothing to any settings.

    I cut and pasted the link, so it was right. MT and Community Server have no problem trackbacking with one another

    Yes, I’m using the permalink to trackback to (alsomy link TO MT does not get received on MT, while links from other MT blogs, and other blog systems like dotText and Community Server DO get received by MT, using the Permalink on the intended receiver of the trackback from the sender’s post intending to send the trackback.
    The version is, which is the latest “upgarde” I did after the last person who told me to try upgrading to see if that fixes it. Is there any reason to think that the latest version has adressed this?

    You said this first: “For 1.2 , someone posted a “fix” to the board here, and I tried it, and it worked.”

    If you could point to the solution that worked back then, it may be possible to zero in on a likely cause/solution now.

    Thread Starter dlature


    >>>.Okay, if you could be more specific with what exactly you are having troubles with on your trackbacks, then we can get more specific with providing you with the help you need.

    Do they not show up? Do they show up “wrong”? Are they in the wrong place? Are they working but don’t show up? Are they working on some posts but not on others? Is it the sending of or receiving?

    They do NOT show up. They do not work on ANY Posts, either sending or Receiving. I have 4 blogs I can try, all with Trackback capabilities (well , 3 with capabilities that actually ARE capable, and 1 (wordpress)whose capability is not working. MT and the other two blogs, and the other two between one another all send and receive fine. It’s just the WordPress blog that is not receiving OR sending.

    Thread Starter dlature


    >>>>.You said this first: “For 1.2 , someone posted a “fix” to the board here, and I tried it, and it worked.”

    If you could point to the solution that worked back then, it may be possible to zero in on a likely cause/solution now. >>>>>>

    well. that’s kinda why I’m frustrated. Why the “tweaks” are even neccessary. Can’t it just WORK? I don’t even remember where it was. But part of my frustration is the absence of such functionality in the versions (whether or not that is some kind of peculiarity of my sytem or not……but then , why do my other blogs have no problem?)

    The frustration is understandable, and normally is does just WORK, but there are such things as software bugs, and there is the issue that something will not necessarily work as expected under every sort of server configuration that’s out there.

    Thread Starter dlature


    And so, why is there no problem with Community Server, MOvable Type (and/or TypePad) , or DotText? I just sent pings arond between all three (WP, MT, CS) , and all show up between CS and MT, but no WP is received , and WP does not see any that are sent

    In short each ‘blogging’ system is different and no two are going to work the same on every setup. When I was running 1.2.x I had to retool the trackback url WordPress output to actually receive them. Why? Because though it worked just fine for a majority of WP users, the default structure failed on my server.

    But beyond the “in short,” if I knew the answer to your question I’d be off writing an unbreakable weblogging app. Imagine how little in the way of support it would need…

    Thread Starter dlature


    I just finished a round of sending trackbacks to each of my blogs, and all receive and send fine with each other except WP, which neither sends (or is not received) nor recieves (nothing under comments OR moderated comments).

    Moderator James Huff


    Please upgrade to WordPress v1.5.1.3 and try your trackbacks again.

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