• Hello
    I am new in word press and recently, I have applied for the google adsense for my website, According to Newbie Central Instructions, I have created and pasted the code in my website, even after waiting for few days, when no ads were showing on my website, I have tried different kind of banner sizes for my website, but none of them work for me,
    my word press website theme is Graphene, I have pasted the code in Graphene Adsene option, where it shorten the code automatically, so I have tried the code in widgets, where it doesn’t work, I have also tried the word press original theme, but no luck.
    my google account is still under approval, and I have received 2 emails from Google Adsense in which it is mentioned,
    “Dear publisher,

    Thank you for signing up for AdSense! We’ve noticed that you haven’t yet started using AdSense on your site.

    To get started, you’ll need to sign in to your account and create the ad code for your pages.

    To help you with this process, we’ve provided a guide in our Help Center to give you step-by-step instructions”

    I dont know, where is the problem and how can I resolve it, I have tried all the ways which I know, even I have pasted the code in the html code of footer in Graphene Theme, but unfortunately no positive result.
    Please assist me to sort out this issue.

    WordPress: 3.0.3
    Theme: Graphene 1.5.4 by Syahir Hakim

    Many Thanks with best regards in advance.


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  • please post a link to your site so someone can for instance check if the adsense code is showing in the html code in the browser.

    Syahir, try post the add code on your text widget on your sidebar.
    See if anything appear and if there’s nothing write something random such as “Feels Good Man” and see if that text appear.

    If not, that that’s the problem.

    Thread Starter sonohoney


    Dear alchymyth and Pangeran wiguan,
    Many thanks for your reply.
    Here is the link of my website where I have pasted the adsense code,

    I have tried the code in the widget area, but no ads are displaying, I have been tried for all this for many days but unfortunately, there is no positive result, even I have changed the Theme and generate the new code in my adsense account but it wasn’t work.
    If I type any thing in side widget area or post any advertisement, like gif picture, it work perfectly.
    For details check, please visit: https://www.jassibeauty.com/
    Kindly assist me in this regard.
    Many Thanks with best wishes.

    Sono Honey

    Thread Starter sonohoney


    Sorry I forget to mention one thing, I have also tried a plug in “Easy Adsense Lite” to solve this issue, but no result.

    the adsense code is showing in the sidebar (in the html code that does get send to the browser) – so it seems that the wordpress part of the problem is working ok;

    please check with google directly why the ads are not showing.

    I’ve found your adsense code.

    <div id="text-16" class="sidebar-wrap clearfix widget_text"><h3>Google Ads</h3>			<div class="textwidget"><script type="text/javascript"><!--
    google_ad_client = "ca-pub-[I delete this part]";
    /* Testing1_12/11/11 */
    google_ad_slot = "3121437656";
    google_ad_width = 120;
    google_ad_height = 600;
    <script type="text/javascript"

    Which mean the text widget working fine.

    It appear blank white to my end side.
    What’s your settings for this ad code?
    Try “Fill with solid color” such as yellow to see if the code work fine.

    Then just wait at Google Adsense approve you.

    On other note:
    If you just want to get approve, make a blogger blog and make some decent post there, apply through “Monetisation” tabs which is Adsense, there higher chances that you will get approved almost instantly.

    p/s: I though Syahir is your name. Please accept my apologize for the miss reading. ??

    Thread Starter sonohoney


    Dear alchymyth and Pangeran Wiguan,
    Many thanks for your reply.
    Well I have selected a blue color on my side for blank ad space, but it is also showing white on my side since the first day.
    Let me try through blogger blog.
    if there is any other suggestion, please share with me,

    Note: Pangeran Wiguan, its ok, No need for appologize, we all do mistakes, and I think, it was a mistake from my side that I typed the name on the wrong place.
    I am really thankful to Both of you guys who give me suggestions and give me time.
    Kind Regards with best wishes.

    Sono Honey

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