• I’ve actually posted smaller requests to review my site (i.e. please review the layout, please review my theme, etc.). What I am looking for now is a more critical review of my site from layout, theme, content, etc.

    I would appreciate any criticism even if it’s “your blog sucks” as long as there is some reason. I have spent a lot of time getting it “ready” for a full all out production which I would update daily (although I kind of already do). So, before I go further and really give this thing a big chunk of my time, and life, I’d like to know what unbiased visitors have to say.

    I thank any of you who review it in advance. Thanks!

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  • Thread Starter mayurpatel


    I’m starting off on the wrong foot, here’s a link (duh):


    Like it ?? The sidebar is looking a little cluttered but overall the site is real nice and clean looking. Love the scrolling “recent posts” thing!

    Some little things I’d like to see (i’ve been prepping my site for a pretty long time also and am pretty anal ?? —

    • More vertical space between the time stamp and the body of the posts
    • More space between the words in the headers on the sidebar (ABOUTME, EXTRA!EXTRA!, MOSTVIEWED all look like they run together).
    • Slightly bigger text in sidebar (extra links, most viewed links, etc)
    • Less space between the postmetadata icons and the associated text (comments, etc.)
    • Kill the animated gifs for the extra extra and “read more” — the “read more” one is especially irritating
    • And if ya wanna get real anal, move the blogstreet button down with the other long buttons ??

    Now check out mine and gimme some feedback also!

    Thread Starter mayurpatel


    Believe it or not, a lot of friends I’ve told about the site were like its great but the article’s kinda just stop and you’re left hanging… apparently, no one (at least my friends) realize there is more to the article despire the glaring “CLICK HERE TO READ ON…” so the animated gifs have really helped. Same with the Extra! Extra!, people go right past it.

    So where’s my reciprocal review? ??

    Thread Starter mayurpatel


    Sorry for the delay! I reviewed your site and it is indeed very nice (and yes you seem just as anal as me). I really like the “footer” on each of your entries, e.g. the category, mail post, comments, etc. So much so it inspired me to finally do something about mine because I was putting it off for so long.

    One thing I noticed is you don’t have your feeds set off. Perhaps a seperate heading in your sidebar would let people know the various feeds you offer. Perhaps a button?

    Now this is being really anal, but perhaps you could change the hover style of your post titles so they don’t underline when the cursor is over them, you really don’t need that.

    How about a friendlier 404 page? See mine: https://mayurpatel.org/asdf1234

    No navigation bar?

    And I’m sure this is something you plan on doing but promote promote promote.

    Nice job!

    Saw it in the other thread, thx..

    Like the new post footer line — looks like you’re linking the space before the ” Trackback” though.

    Blog blog blog…… you could post some blog here at https://www.openposting.com

    The Voiceless Victims. You rock, dude! Here are my suggestions on the not as rockin’.

    “If you are animal lover,” You need to proofread! Reread your post like 5 times, fix, spell check, read, etc. then post, reread even then.

    The top 3 rows of links at the top is too much. Maybe take out the Google links. I’d remove the scrolling markee, it’s the busiest row.

    The sidebar looks great until you reach the endless list of buttons. Yes, those buttons are alluring to use, but they’re not even all that nifty size. Cut all but the essential out. Cut everything that’s not 80 x 15.

    Now, you can review my blog. I think my writing’s professional, but I know my layout (although quite cute) probably needs cleaning and definitely a color overhaul (that’s the fashion talking, those colors are OUT!) Yeah, if you’re not into fashion, you can skip it, if it means you won’t understand or enjoy anything. But you might still be able to tell if it’s good. Basically, I can certainly use layout specific tips, but I care about the content and presentation of the entries. I’m wondering why I get less attention than some other fashion blogs. I just found a few others reviewed on iVillage, and I’d love that exposure. I’m competitive and I actually want to write in fashion for a career.


    IMO, your site takes too long to load. I’ve got a quality cable connection, and it still takes a while. You’ve got over 50 images/scripts to load. Yikes!

    Your blog is very slow to load with Comcast cable.

    I tried to use this for more detailed analysis and should to say that is not “your blog sucks” ??

    This look is much good.

    Your blog sucks, lol only joking, however a couple of critisims. Some other people may have already alerted to them but hey!
    1. The side bar is too big and thus the posts lose attention
    2. The top of the page seems a bit too busy, but that could just be me!

    Otherwise good work

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