issue with multiple sidebars going bonkers, please help. thank you.
okies, so this guy wants to edit his site on a daily basis.
this is after i have already written the entire site in flash, well he changed his mind and had me rebuild the entire site in plain html and php. and i am no genius with php, but i muddle though.well he finally told me the other day he wants to be able to edit the site on a daily basis.
i thought wordpress would be perfect for his needs.
my family gets to eat if i do these for him.anyways. lol. enough rambling
my problem is thisi created the site, i created the functions.php
the code looks like<?php register_sidebars(2, array('name'=>'sidebar %d')); ?> <?php register_sidebars(4, array('name'=>'footer %d')); ?>
so i am thinking i have to make
2 sidebars named sidebar-sidebar1.php and sidebar-sidebar2.php
and 4 files
sidebar-footer1.php, sidebar-footer2.php,
sidebar-footer3.php, sidebar-footer4.phpso in my footer file i call for the footer side bars.
</div></div> <div id="content"> <div id="col_holder"> <?php get_sidebar('footer1'); ?> <?php get_sidebar('footer2'); ?><br /> <?php get_sidebar('footer3'); ?> </div>
well, yes it opens these files, but when i go to the admin widget panel and drag and drop in a widget and save it, the widget does not show.
here is the code i am using on the footer1.php and so one it’s pretty all much the same
<div class="col_sm_holder last"> <div class="col_sm"> <?php if ( !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?> <li>{static sidebar item 1}</li> <li>{static sidebar item 2}</li> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div class="col_sm_bot"></div> </div>
well it shows the side bar, and says
{static sidebar item 1}
{static sidebar item 2}
`but it wont show the widgets.
i am very very sad and hungry i am really really hungry.
can someone please take the time out of your day to tell me why it’s not showing the widgets?
thank you so very very much.
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