• Hello everyone!

    I’ve lost my hopes on finding a solution to my problem, hope someone can help me here. Here’s the problem:

    I have a wordpress installation with an extra table called wp_lojas (for stores). The customers can go to the site and through a form, put their address, and using the Google Maps Api, find the stores near them.

    When the user submits the form, I verify their address position (latitude/longitude) and through a SQL query I seek the nearest stores.

    The form sends the parameters (latitude/longitude/radius) through an ajax requisition ($.post()) to a php file that is inside my theme folder (/wp-content/themes/accessorize/dadosLojas.php) and that file builds an XML with the found stores.

    Everything works fine offline, on my local machine. Online I get an answer “301 Moved Permanently”. If you guys have Firebug installed and want to try, the test link is https://www.colletivo.com.br/accessorize/ and the form is on the footer of the page. If you guys want an address from Brazil, try “Rua Vicente Leporace, 1534”.

    If you don’t understand what I tried to explain, or need more information, please let me know.

    Thank you very much.

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