• Hello WordPress users and webmasters,

    I am new to wordpress (1 year old). I am currently in search of a theme for my new website that would enable users to register under two different roles (two different types of registration). Once an user clicks the register button it automatically has to prompt two separate set of questions with terms of service for respective roles chosen by the user. The template I am looking at is the Answers from Templatic (https://themeforest.net/item/instant-qa/full_screen_preview/92361) or similar ones.

    I am looking for the home page to display three registration options – Visitor, Gold Subscriber and Platinum Subscriber, shown just like LinkedIn and FaceBook homepages. Once registered the users gain access to the contents (questions and answers) posted in the website with only selective content viewable based on their user role chosen. I am also interested to integrate payment options while registering (in secure html).

    Is there any plugin or theme that I must use to accomplish this. I would highly appreciate if someone can help me here. (NOTE: I am also ready to pay a well experienced coder/designer to accomplish this if it requires any more than just a custom work.)

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