• Hi folks,
    I wanted to find out if there is a semi-automated way to determine if the plugins in use on a site are compatible up to the latest WP core release?

    For instance, yesterday WP 3.3 was released. Before upgrading from 3.2.1 I currently have to check each plugin in use (and I use many!) on the Extend page to see if they are compatible up to 3.3. This adds at the very least an hour to every upgrade I do to the core.

    Is there a plugin that will check each installed plugin and then indicate in some way whether what version it is officially compatible to? I have such a plugin on Firefox, that shows me which of my plugins are compatible or not with the latest release. I check through them before upgrading, to make sure I am not going to miss a much used plugin.

    I’ve looked long and hard for this on the Internet and on the plugin repository. So I thought perhaps someone else would know.



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  • No – there’s no way. Automated, semi-automated or manual. It’s just not feasible.

    Thread Starter inspiredmind


    Thanks “esmi”…
    I am surprised there is no automated method possible or available. I assume the API of the repository already allows for a blog to check if a plugin is compatible with the currently installed blog. When I install a plugin from within the blog it will warn me if the plugin I am viewing the “Details” of is not compatible with my current version.

    Therefore I would have thought it would be a relatively simple plugin to simply display on the Plugins page the current officially reported compatibility level of each plugin.

    As for there being no “manual” method… I suspect you’ve overextended your response to my post. Of course it is possible to check manually. One just goes to www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/THE_PLUGIN_BEING_CHECKED and takes a look at “Compatible up to:” or even checks Compatability tool located there.



    I assume the API of the repository already allows for a blog to check if a plugin is compatible with the currently installed blog.

    Nope. You’re talking about 15,000 (approx) 3rd party plugin developers who may (or may not) follow www.ads-software.com recommended guidelines when creating their plugins. Even the officially reported compatibility level is not a clear indication of compatibility. For example, I’m still using a plugin that is only officially compatible up to 2.5.1 – yet it still works perfectly. It hasn’t been updated because it doesn’t need updating.

    One just goes to www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/THE_PLUGIN_BEING_CHECKED and takes a look at “Compatible up to:” or even checks Compatability tool located there.

    See above. ?? The only true test is to install the plugin and try it.

    Thread Starter inspiredmind


    Thanks esmi.

    I agree with the points you’ve made, and, in addition, as far as I can tell there is in fact an existing method to check the “official” / reported compatibility of plugins. If the user has installed plugins from authors who either don’t conform to WordPress recommendations OR who don’t bother updating their compatibility status, etc., this to me seems beside the point. To me this comes across as a “let’s degrade our experience to the lowest common denominator” level of thinking. Something I don’t subscribe to.

    The main plugins (i.e. the most substantialnd and significant in terms of features / ways in which they impact my use of WordPress) I use all maintain what to me has proven to be an accurate compatability status on www.ads-software.com. And in the cases where this data is absent or lagging behind, there is always the user reported compatability data.

    When a significant upgrade to WP core rolls in I always do an initial scan of the major plugins I use BEFORE upgrading. Only when I see that they are officially or user reported as working will I bother to upgrade. I don’t work in an enviroment where I have the time or inclination to have an offline development copy of my wordpress blogs on hand, so testing everything offline would not suit. I find it easier to simply work with the live sites.

    Thanks for your input. Based on my interpretation of the tone of your messages so far (intentional on your part or not) I get the impression it is unlikely I am going to find any further replies from you all that useful.

    Anyone else?

    With thanks,


    as far as I can tell there is in fact an existing method to check the “official” / reported compatibility of plugins

    This discussion has come up before and I can honestly say that it doesn’t work. Try searching the forums for previous topics on this subject.

    Thread Starter inspiredmind


    This discussion has come up before and I can honestly say that it doesn’t work.

    THe existing method I am referring to is to manualy go onto the www.ads-software.com/extend system and look the plugin up. It’s been working just great for me. It’s not 100% accurate, as we’ve both agreed, in that it might say something is NOT compatible when it fact it works on a later release. But that’s when I find the user compatibility reporting typically helps out.

    All I am wanting to know is if anyone knows of a plugin that automates the retrieval of this already available data and displays it within wordpress.

    AND if there is no such plugin, is it technically possible? As far as I can tell the www.ads-software.com/extend API already passes this data on to wordpress installations (at least the official compatability info, but perhaps can also supply the user rated info).

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