i have submitted a feed for a category but its showing all the files,
I don’t know which feed you have submitted. But you are correct e.g. https://www.flippish.com/category/video/feed/ seems to include all posts.
You can modify the options for the category feeds via Posts > Categories > Edit Category. The section podPress Category Casting / Further Feed Settings you can find e.g. an option which allows you to restrict the posts for a certain category feed via the file type of the podPress attachment.
Furthermore you have activated the itunes:new-feed-url function on the podPress Feed/iTunes Settings page and the new feed URL is set to https://www.flippish.com/?feed=podcast which is the default podcast feed podPress adds to each blog. But it is not a category feed (at least not by default).
This means that you signal the iTunes Server that it should use the new URL to gather the data about your podcast. The iTunes Store page will most likely show this feed now.
This setting is for all default feeds of the blog (feeds which WP offers by itself) which includes also the category feeds. The podPress Feeds are additional feeds and have an own similar option.
To turn this back and make the category feed the feed in the iTunes Store again, you need to turn the itunes:new-feed-url on the Feed/iTunes Settings page off. Further activate the function in the podPress Feed “podcast” and use as the new feed URL the URL of the category feed. iTunes Server will notice the modification in a couple of days and switch automatically to the new feed URL.