I disabled all plugins.I activated Buddypress and Buddpress GTM. All caches were turned off and emptied. I went to a groups page. It displayed GTM’s “Projects and tasks” groups tab.I clicked on it and it did the same thing – ie;it returned a blank empty white screen (not a 404 or 500 server error).
I then switched to the “Buddypress Default 1.5.2″theme. When I click on GTM’s “Projects and tasks” tab, a list of recent posts appears (not the white page above). At this stage only two plugins are active(Buddypress and Buddypress GTM plugins)and the Buddypress Default theme. GTM still does not work.
My WordPress installation runs well with more than 60 plugins. GTM distorts the layout of pages and posts (by shifting page/post content down until it is past the content in the right sidebar) and delivers a white page when clicking on the “Projects and tasks” tab on the Dynamix theme, or recent posts on the Buddypress Default theme.
I think the problem appears to be with the Dynamix theme, and GTM. I am very keen to use the Buddypress GTM plugin. I have tried Collabpress which appears to be more popular, but has a fraction of the functionality and is not intuitive. Collabpress also distorts the “Accordian” text bullet point feature used on the home page.
I will post this in the GTM plugin forum and the Dynamix forum. I would be very grateful for any help.
FYI – The plugin will be used at https://www.marcuscake.com/community/groups/economic-development/ and other groups.