• I just registered a new blog/site. I have the WordPress Value Bundle. I’m using version 3.3.

    The Editor function in the Appearance menu is missing. I’ve never had my own site. I’ve only helped others with their’s and the Editor has always been there. I’ve tried a different theme. I don’t have any plug-ins yet. My blog isn’t networked. wp-config.php is over my head.

    I’m no expert. I’m learning as I go. If someone has a solution and can put it in simple terms, I would be so grateful.

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  • Hi meganleewebb,

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your blog. While researching this, it looks like you may be using wordpress.com instead of www.ads-software.com. If you are on wordpress.com, you will want to check their support documentation and/or forums:


    Also, if you are on wordpress.com, you may be looking for this option:


    Please let me know if I misunderstood. If you are self-hosting WordPress, please let us know.


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