"ALL SITES" and "ADD SITE" not showing in Admin after network setup.
This has been reworded for clarity, and updated…
I just got on Hostgator with WordPress. Neither they with their install scripts nor I doing it manually, can get the “All Sites” and “Add Site” selection to appear in the Admin bar on the sites network install of 3.3
I set all up as the Codex required, SQL, then added the allow multisite in the wp-config.php, restarted and the network settings selection then appeared in tools, put in the blog dir, the .htaccess strings then entered the extra lines to the wp-config.php and then restarted WP again…
When I logged back in, no “ALL Sites” or “Add Sites” down selections ever appeared in the Admin menu, but when I returned to Tools>Network Setup, I got the “Warning: An existing WordPress network was detected” error so I know it did the job of setting it up.
How do I fix this?
If you still have the network setup menu showing up under Tools on the main site, then the network creation did not complete.
Done successfully, that menu item moves over to network admin.
Look in the db – were the extra tables created?
Can you go to yoursite.com/wp-admin/network/ ? Don;t need a link or menu to test that. And in 3.3, those two menu items you are looking for are unde the “network admin” meni tiem.If you do not have that – there’s your problem.
>>If you still have the network setup menu showing up under Tools on the main site, then the network creation did not complete.
Well, thats fairly obvious, but WHY doesnt it? You seem to only be repeating the problem and no solution when you post. I followed the setup instructions to the letter, and once I put the additions in the files, and created the blogs.dir, then when I relogged in, as you said, the Network Setup selection under Tools SHOULD have disappeared and a new “Network Admin” selection should be added to the list… Yet it is not…
>>Done successfully, that menu item moves over to network admin.
I assume here yolu mean the “Network Setup’ items moves under the Network Admin selection, which of course never happenes to show…
>> Look in the db – were the extra tables created?
“Extra tables”? yes, there were tables created, but how do I define which are the “normal” ones and which are the “extra” ones I need to confirm were created? What I do have are the following 17:
wp_OverLordusers>> Can you go to yoursite.com/wp-admin/network/ ?
When I do the message is: “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
If I press on and go to yoursite.com/wp-admin/network/admin.php the message is: “Multisite support is not enabled.”
Yet NONE of these messages tell me why it is not enable after following all instruction properly, nor any definite details as to which part might the error be in, the database, the paths, not even whis “permissions” in the tree may not be sufficient!
Its quite like you saying “If you do not have that – there’s your problem”, which merely reiterates the symptoms without attempting to
find WHERE the problem lies that makes it be that way.So, assuming I have used all the information in the Network Setup instructions, and the previously listed 17 tables are the correct ones for a multisite network, where else do I look for a reason it is failing?
What’s your DB prefix set to? They shouldn’t have added in that OverLoad slug.
Even the regular single WP tables do not have a _ between overload and the table name.
Your db prefix is the issue.
db description:
https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Database_Descriptionexplains what tables are added in multisite. but again – it;s your prefix.
If the prefix is the issue, then the issue is in WordPress, correct, because as far as the server is concerned, it all tests up correctly:
MySQL Databases
Checking Database
wanbli_OverLord is now being checked.
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordblog_versions OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordblogs OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordcommentmeta OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordcomments OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordlinks OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordoptions OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordpostmeta OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordposts OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordregistration_log OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordsignups OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordsite OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordsitemeta OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordterm_relationships OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordterm_taxonomy OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordterms OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordusermeta OK
wanbli_OverLord.wp_OverLordusers OKCheck Complete
Now, I have another one setup that lookes exactly like this one, where the word “wrdp1” replaces “OverLord” (See below). It works PERFECTLY as a single install. But again, when I did all the same steps to convert it to a network setup (and yes I turn all the plug-ins off etc before doing so)it is acting EXACTLY the same. So why is it functioning correctly as a single WP install with these prefixes, but not as a network, and why are the databases checking out as OK on the server tests? It seems to me if the “_” was the culprit, the single installation tables with them would have the same problem, and they do not…
Oh, and since there are several “_”‘s in the table names, which “_”‘s are the culprits? The ones in the DB names before the period, or the ones ater WP only, or the ones in the two word table names? Since these are added by the SQL and WordPress install scripts for me, why are they there if they cannot work?
Finally, to say that single installation wont work with the “_”‘s in them in must be incorrect, because in order for me to have gotten to the Tool/Network Setup, a working single install containing the “_” has to exist to add the > define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true); < statement in the wp-config.php file that then produces the Network Setup menu selection, and then TELLS you to do the following to enable the Network:
_____Begin Copying___________
Create a blogs.dir directory at /home/wanbli/public_html/OverLord/wp-content/blogs.dir. This directory is used to store uploaded media for your additional sites and must be writeable by the web server.2.
Add the following to your wp-config.php file in /home/wanbli/public_html/OverLord/ above the line reading /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */:define( ‘MULTISITE’, true );
define( ‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false );
$base = ‘/OverLord/’;
define( ‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘simpledeal.net’ );
define( ‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/OverLord/’ );
define( ‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1 );
define( ‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1 );Note: It doesn NOT say to remove the other statement from the file, so I have them both in there.
3.Add the following to your .htaccess file in /home/wanbli/public_html/OverLord/, replacing other WordPress rules:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /OverLord/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]# uploaded files
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]# add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^ – [L]
RewriteRule ^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]
RewriteRule ^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/(.*\.php)$ $1 [L]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]NOTE: This is the entirety of that file, there is nothing else in it…
_____End Copying__________So to get to THIS point, the single installation setup HAS tobe working just fine with the “_” in ITS tables.
So, why the difference between the Single working with them, and the Network not?
In any event, I am going to cretae another fresh test install and see exactly WHERE the “_”‘s are added in the table names, but if I am correct, it happens in the WordPress Install Script, and having it do it there makes no sense, if the WP programmers knew it would cause problems for enabling network setups….
Additional Info.
I am following the manual install instructions in this setup…
1) The First “_” between the host account name of “wanbli” on the hostgator server, and the database/database user section of the wordpress installation is created by the SQL database Wizard.
Added user “wanbli_Username” with password “Omitted for Security”.
Step 3: Add User to the DatabaseUser: wanbli_Username
Database: wanbli_DatabasenameALL PRIVILEGES
Step 4: Complete the task
User “wanbli_Username” was added to the database “wanbli_Databasename”.
At THIS point there are NO tables in the database.
2) WordPress 3.3 is then unpacked into the subdirectory named Databasename
3) The “Create A Configuration” script asks to be run and is.
4) It is HERE, in this script, where it wants the database name, user name, password etc. that the script SUGGESTS the prefix WITH the underscore attached for use with multiple sites! (ill be happy to mail you a jpeg of the screen capture to prove it…)So this time I will eliminate the SUGGESTED underscore and see what happens…
5) I changed the wp_ to MP, ran it and got the “we can communicate with the database” message, then ran the install and logged on. So far so Good. Of course the “Network Setup” does not appear yet under tools yet. In the Database, these are the 11 entries in the current table list:
MPusersNow I will add >define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);< to the wp-config.php to give me the Tools/Network Setup.
ALERT! While in the wp-config-sample.php file I noticed the following, which EXPLICITLY says that “_”‘s (underscores) are able to be used in tables for multi-site!
* WordPress Database Table prefix.
* You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique
* prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
$table_prefix = ‘wp_’;So now I bet it still won’t work when I have completed the rest of the steps…
6) Network Setup is now available. I ran the Install and got the enable instructions. I will complete these three steps and relog…
SUCCESS! So you were right about the table “_”‘s not being acceptable, and I was right about them being put in there by the wordpress install script, and finding them SUGGESTED as acceptible in the wp-config.php file.
So Please, Please, Please, delete that suggestion from those places to help others in the future!
SUCCESS! So you were right about the table “_”‘s not being acceptable, and I was right about them being put in there by the wordpress install script, and finding them SUGGESTED as acceptible in the wp-config.php file.
Well … No. It’s NOT the _
See the NORMAL prefix is wp_
YOU made one wp_OverLordblog
That’s just weird and we think that’s what broke it.
Noooooooo, I didn’t make ANYTHING that was NOT made by the WorpPress Install Script, or the standard SQL database wizard (Which doesnt create any tables at all). I didn’t have a clue WHAT tables nor what names for tables were to be created for a wordpress install, nor where they would have had to be created, when I created the “OverLord” account.
So if it is wierd that such a table was created, you had better check your script, cuz I downloaded the software directly from you folks and use the script within it to create the site and tables.
Just for your edification I created a total of 3 WordPress single sites to be turned into Networks, each which failed one after the other. The first one called called “bobilepress”, the second one was called simply “wordpress” and the third was “OverLord”.
I could not get Network to show in ANY of them, and it wasn’t until the third failure that I started writing in this forum. They all used the “wp_” setup in them, but only the third setup, OverLord,
had that table you are trying to say “broke” everything. Yet the other two before it didnt work either.It wasnt until YOU folks (and another respondent) told me to get rid of the “_” in the prefix, causing me to select another the prefix “MP” without the “_”, that the install finally worked for network setup, right out of the box.
So to now say “oh, what we told you to fix and you did, and it now works, isn’t the problem”, is pretty dang silly…
Could be your host mucking stuff up. Cuz on a few servers I’ve tested, my webhost username does *not* get stuff in the db prefeix.
Dreamhost is a lovely spot for mucking up the installs.
The WP install script uses the line Ipstenu pointed out above.
If you just create a db and leave the db prefix alone, it works out of the box.
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