I went to their site, and i like what they’re doing there. It’s like you have all your short codes built right into the theme that you can activate at anytime, and they’re professional looking too.
Did it take you a long to learn how to use these elements? Or do you just know what you’re doing? Do they have tutorials that explain and cover the theme features you’re using? I’m still a beginner at making websites. I bought Woo Themes because their themes were clean, and it appeared like they had complete tutorials, but boy was I wrong! The videos that they do have are very good and easy to follow, but anything after that – is non existent. There are tons of people in the forums who have left countless questions, with no answer. The Moderators will respond to them to say that “…someone will get back to them”, but they never do, and those questions have no answers. So for me, their support forum is basically non existent – or you have to dig around, and perhaps find an answer for another theme and try the solution and hope that it will also work for your theme. Ugh! That drives me crazy.
So that’s why I’m asking about Yootheme. Do they have tutorials, and are they good and are they complete? It appears that either you know what you’re doing, or they have pretty good tutorials and support.
Sorry to ask so many questions but I’m really trying to find a company that offers premium themes with great features, yet I’m able to use.
I finishing up a site now for a friend and I think it looks okay, but it can always be better if I had better instruction to use the shortcodes. https://www.ChicagoAutoLocksmithz.com