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  • Hi GoMilitary

    Not sure if that theme has an admin section to turn it off. Quick fix add

    #footer div.credits, #footer a.credits, #footer a.credits:hover, #footer display: none;

    to the theme style.css

    info from theme readme file:

    Footer Credits
    If you appreciate our work, please leave the footer credits.
    If you still want to delete or change them, you can find the concerning code in core/includes/theme-generator/theme-generator.php


    ^That only removes the “Just another WordPress Theme developed by Themekraft” part. I cannot find the link to remove the “Blog is proudly powered by WordPress and BuddyPress” part however.



    Should be the same part

    search for div class=”credits” in theme-generator.php, it should all be in those couple of lines.



    @gomilitary ;

    1. Just open the theme-generator.php in ‘ custom-community/core/includes/theme-generator/theme-generator.php ‘ using your code editor .

    2. Go to line 422 ( press Ctrl+G and type 422, and hit enter ) .

    3. Select line 422 and 423, see below,

    <div class="credits"><?php printf( __( '%s is proudly powered by <a class="credits" href="">WordPress</a> and <a class="credits" href="">BuddyPress</a>. ', 'cc' ), bloginfo('name') ); ?>
    		Just another <a class="credits" href="" target="_blank" title="WordPress Theme" alt="WordPress Theme">WordPress Theme</a> developed by Themekraft.</div>

    4. Remove all these, and save the file ( using the same file name / just overwrite the file ) .

    5. Reload your site, credits line will be gone .

    Thanks ,
    Mebox .



    How can I delete the “Proudly powered by WordPress” I use WordPress 3.3.1 Template TwentyEleven

    How about ideas to make the credits invisible to bots while allowing visitors to see them? I have been managing a site for two friends for a little over a year. We like BuddyPress and Custom Community, but controlling spammer registrations is a real problem, even with using a captcha. They write the spam into their profile fields and status updates so the usual tactics to manage comment spam do not work.

    rewording the login /register page text helps.

    I have noticed people google “signing up for this site is easy” and get ya.


    Where can I find the theme-generator.php?

    I can’t find it in my dashboard in appearance>edit, there are a lot of templates I can edit, but nog this one…

    (WordPress is all new for me)


    if your going to remove the credits in CC hacking the code is never a good idea. The next update will break it.
    just put this in your css tab.

    I ruined my code…. can someone send me the original theme-generator.php?


    You should be able to download it from the themes download page.

    Full Circle, thank you that worked flawlessly



    What if I wanted to keep the credits where they are, but wanted to word them differently. I would like it like this:

    ? 2012 <a href="">Peninsula Vineyard</a> | Theme developed by <a href=""> Theme Kraft</a> | Site powered by <a href=""> WordPress</a>


    Amelia — what I did is do as Full Cirlce suggested
    just put this in your css tab.

    and then, using the Footer Full Width WIDGET, I added custom text with the copyright info etc.

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