• I have tried everything that I have searched on the Internet and maybe I am not using the right wording, but everything that is supposed to work, is not working.

    I have a Website https://www.southwestreppin.net and also a Facebook Page for it https://www.facebook.com/SouthWestReppin.net. I want to have the Like Box on my Website for the Facebook Page, stay Active even when I am not logged-in to Facebook.

    Every time I log out of Facebook and refresh my Website, the Like Box displays “Login to see this content”. Why? I have gone through everything, creating an App for Open Graph API Information the Plug-ins ask for, I have tried using iFrame Code instead of the regular code…what am I doing wrong?

    Here is the Code I am using:
    <iframe src=”//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FSouthWestReppin.net&width=300&height=290&colorscheme=light&show_faces=true&border_color&stream=false&header=true&appId=132077773576583″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border:none; overflow:hidden; width:300px; height:290px;” allowTransparency=”true”></iframe>

    Your Help would be Greatly appreciated. I have searched everywhere and there is nothing that I could find about this in the Support Forums.

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  • I just attempted to investigate your issue but could not find the Like Box on your site. If I am not mistaken – this box will be active for others who visit your site, even if they are not logged into Facebook. I think it has something to do with cookies – in other words, the box recognizes that it is your user name that is the owner. Have you checked your site from a different computer that you do not use FB on?

    I have a client who has the same issue when she visits her own website – but when I visit it, everything is just fine.

    Thread Starter mrjojobrown


    You are correct, I am trying to keep the Like Box active for other visitors to see, but it will not remain active. It keeps displaying the message “Login to see this content”.

    I just re-designed my Website to a more compatible Theme for both computers and mobile devices, but I am still having the issue.

    Yes, I tried to use my cell phone and another computer. The other computer has accessed FB before, but not my WP Site.

    Q: What do cookies have to do with it and how do I get rid of the cookies? I remember doing it before on another issue long ago, but like I mentioned, it was long ago. Any Help would be Greatly appreciated! ??

    Just to be sure I copied the FB Page Like Box code again, that I have on my WP Site for the Like Box:
    <iframe src=”//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FSouthWestReppin.net&width=210&height=258&colorscheme=light&show_faces=true&border_color&stream=false&header=false&appId=132077773576583″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border:none; overflow:hidden; width:210px; height:258px;” allowTransparency=”true”></iframe>

    via Text Widget on the Right Sidebar of my Website https://www.southwestreppin.net

    I do not know what I am doing wrong. I have tried everything I could think of and still the Like Box does not stay visible.

    More info, just in case it helps: My Host provider is GoDaddy.com and I am using the Latest updated version of Internet Explorer 9 on both computers. I don’t know what my Mobile Device uses for it’s browser, but it is a LG Enlighten (Android).

    Thread Starter mrjojobrown


    I just Deleted EVERYTHING in my Browser History, including Cookies and any Preserved information for favorite websites.

    Restarted browser, clicked on the Favorite Link to My Website (My Favorites Menu), but still not working. (??)

    I’ve had several clients ask me for Facebook like boxes to be displayed on their site and I noticed some of them had this same issue!

    After doing some research and having some nasty conversations with clients (because it’s my fault Facebook doesn’t work!), I found the answer.

    You need to check the page settings on Facebook and make sure the page does NOT have an age restriction and that should fix it.

    Thread Starter mrjojobrown


    theR3AP3R <<<< The Problem is Solved!!! ?? Thank You!

    Something so simple, was the most Difficult to find an answer about on the World Wide Web…this is a first for not being able to find the answer right away on something for WordPress issues.

    I logged into Facebook, went to my Page, clicked on Edit Page->Manage Permissions->Age Restriction to “Anyone (13+)”, AND it Works!!!

    Thanks, again!

    “God’s Love”

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