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  • Rhand


    Same her. I believe it is because of a last minute CSS change in WordPress 3.3.1 . Another custom login page plugin got it fixed: I will see if I can patch the plugin with a CSS change as well



    Line 417 had

    if(empty($dd_login_logo)){$dd_log_logo = "";}else{$dd_log_logo = ".login h1 a {background: url(".$dd_login_logo.") no-repeat top center;width: 326px;height: 67px;text-indent: -9999px;overflow: hidden;padding-bottom: 15px;display: block;}";};

    should have

    if(empty($dd_login_logo)){$dd_log_logo = "";}else{$dd_log_logo = ".login h1 a {background: url(".$dd_login_logo.") no-repeat top center;width: 326px;height: 67px;text-indent: -9999px;overflow: hidden;padding-bottom: 15px;display: block;}";};

    As skriftklog said h1 a should be changed to .login h1 a

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