fletchy-boy-wonder –
Your domain is still your domain (www.mydomain.com) the forward slash after the ‘.com’ tells me you uploaded (and installed) wordpress in a folder called wordpress, and not directly in the root. ??
If you do not want a blog (with the ability for people to leave comments on a page or blog post) there are a few ways around this.
What version of WP and what theme are you using?
Typically whenver I start a new WP site I immediately find the `<?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?>’ from either page.php or loop-page.php and remove it, because I don’t want comments on static pages, at all, ever (but thats just me). But if you don’t feel comfortable doing this… (continued below).
If you want to use the ‘blog’ function (the POSTS) for something else, say ‘News’, but you still don’t want anyone to access the comments function you can go into SETTINGS –> DISCUSSIONS and deselect ” Allow people to post comments on new articles” (this will only work on new ‘blog posts’, and not existing posts you’ve already made. To go in and edit those, go into each post itself and deselect ‘allow comments’). Doing this alway works for pages.