• The colorway theme’s colour scheme is green, meaning that the page headings are green and other accents. How can I change this? Thanks!

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  • normally by editing the theme’s style.css file.

    please use a tool such as Firebug https://getfirebug.com/ to help finding the relevant css selectors.

    Thread Starter colleenstark


    I have a mac, can I still use firebug?
    Do I just go to plugins and search firebug from there?
    I’m totally new at this and have been having trouble!

    Thread Starter colleenstark


    Simple WP FirePHP?

    Firebug is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox browser. When you activate it and hover over the area you want to change, it shows you the css class that affects that area. Then you can (theoretically) go in and change the colors. The premium theme has many different color choices. I use several. Colorway is by far my favorite theme. I purchased over 50 in the last few months and this is the most versatile. Sad to say, but I bought 30+ themes from colorlabs project and they’re all broken. LOL. Suddenly the cosmetic bugs in Colorway now seem trivial.

    So, here’s black, you can see it in the footer, appears gray in the footer widgets: https://bit.ly/yuAvUN

    Here’s blue: https://bit.ly/wyC5yr

    Here’s red: https://bit.ly/xtNDNv
    (I know it looks orange, but it’s actually red.)

    Here’s green: https://bit.ly/xVxtw1

    The background images are mine and you can do this in both the free and premium versions in the “theme options” panel. But I wouldn’t muck around with the footer colors unless you know what you’re doing. The CSS in this theme is tightly woven and interdependent.

    Thread Starter colleenstark


    The colorway I’m using is Colorway Lite
    I have a mac so I don’t have firefox…. so I can’t use Firebug I guess ?? I know where to find the CSS but I don’t know what to type in…
    I want it to be blue like the the link you put in your post
    Sorry I’m so confused ?? !

    Okay, it appears that the file green.css is the file you want to mess with (style.css loads in green.css). Make sure you save a copy and then edit the colors to what you want.

    This is the minimalist way, BTW. Whenever you change code you want to affect as few files as possible, one preferably.

    a {



    ^–This is the green footer background (I think).–^

    a:hover {


    ^–This is the dark green over the menu (I think).–^

    So just replace all the instances of #4F7327 with whatever blue color you want. Same for #2B4908.

    At last that’s what I’d do. Let me know if it works. ??

    OK ?? stuffed up that post. Trying again:

    Colleen, find the Styling Otions for the theme and add some CSS there.

    One place to check out CSS is https://www.html.net/tutorials/css/lesson6.php

    What I do is cut and paste the CSS from style.css and edit it. I never edit the CSS sheets, just add extra stuff in Styling options.

    Good luck. It’s easier than you think for simple stuff. Incredibly complex later on.


    Thread Starter colleenstark


    Oh boy. Thank you so much for all your information!
    Well, I decided to not use colorway lite because I know that the premium version gives you the option to change the colour scheme in styling options. However even when I click “blue” from the dropdown menu nothing changes…

    So you’re using the premium version now? Make sure you have the more recent one. They had bugs and fixed them. They have a new theme now, very similar to ColorWay, called Squirrel. I bought that one too. Very nice. As far as I know there was never a bug for the color styling options in ColorWay, but there was one for Squirrel which they’ve now fixed. They’re pretty good in fixing bugs quickly (turn around time is between 3 days to a week). I found bugs in an iThemes theme and all of the ColorLabs themes and no one ever fixed any of them. ??

    If you want to see a site in Squirrel, here’s one:

    If you’re still having problems with the blue footer and you have the premium version of ColorWay, I’d go back to the members area at InkThemes and download it again. If that doesn’t work, as Nareej if you’re somehow getting the older version copied to your member’s area.

    Thread Starter colleenstark


    I downloaded the Premium trial version but the colours haven’t changed. Okay I’ll look at Squirrel. Thanks!

    Thread Starter colleenstark


    I think I want to keep colourway.
    When I downloaded the trial version (onto my mac) it put it all into this folder and what not. So I compressed the folder and made it into a zip file. I uploaded the zip file into the theme uploader on wordpress and I’m able to see the different colour options under Styling Options but when I click “Blue” and click “Save Changes” nothing happened…

    The color options are only with the paid version. They’re not activated with the trial version. So we’re back to modifying CSS. I’d just reinstall the ColorWay Lite and modify the green.css file to the colors you want. You can try the way Derek suggested, in the styling options window, but I tried that to no avail. If you change the colors in the green.css file, it should do what you want. Just make sure you save a copy of the green.css file somewhere (or keep the original ColorWay Lite zip file–it’s in there).

    Thread Starter colleenstark


    Well, I think I’m going to buy the premium version. It’ll probably be easiest.



    I changed all the corresponding color codes as directed in this thread…but there are still green parts on my site that I want to be light pink. Can anyone help? Check out https://pnkplanning.com

    Where can I find the green.css file?

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