• We have a collaborative blog. so we want two of us to haave admin type status. How do you do this? In manaage users menu there is only the option of one admin, and the resst can only aspire to 9!!

    also how do you create the words under each post, “posted by mary blogs” ?

    thanx for any help.

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  • I could be wrong, so it may be better to wait for other answers but you can do this directly via the database. Access can be achieved in a few ways but perhaps the easiest is via phpmyadmin. This is a web inteface normally provided by your host, however they may not have this.

    With this interface you can edit the tables directly and chnage the user from 9 to 10. Rememebr you should always backup the database before starting any work on it.

    With regard to you second question, this is normally dealt with by the index page or post page, depending on the theme.

    BTW your link seems to have a zero instead of an O in the OF.

    Thread Starter max56


    thanx planephillip thaat helps a lot.

    Not sure what you mean by my link has a zero instead of an O?

    Your profile link is wrong, you got ‘out-0f-sync’, not ‘out-of-sync’ (which is working).

    Do you both have to have user lvl10? How about making two users lvl9 and just use those two?

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