• In ‘Twenty Eleven’, I want to remove the entire white containing box where the title and description are located above the main image, but keep the image below – perhaps someone could advise me before I pull the rest of my fingernails out?

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  • First off, if you are going to make any changes to any of the default themes like twentyeleven, it is essential that you make them in a Child Theme. If you don’t, then updates to WordPress and/or to the theme can overwrite your changes. You also need an unchanged default theme set up for some types of support.

    When you have your minimal child theme (i.e. just a style.css file with the mandatory comments and an import statement to import the parent style sheet (import url('../twentyeleven/style.css');) activated and configured you can then add the following to the child theme’s style.css file:

    #site-title, #site-description {
      display: none;



    Thread Starter asakatali


    Good – it works, thank you peredur.

    1) The top search box is still there (top right of page now) and functioning – how can I get rid of that too?

    2) As for using a child theme, at the moment, I have downloaded WP onto my computer and am working on it as a localhost with Dreamweaver. Do I need to make a child theme from this or can I just change some code somewhere in the theme to prevent it updating? I have only just started so not hard to change it all.

    #searchform {
      display: none;

    The general strategy for finding this sort of thing is to examine the element you’re interested in in Firebug (a Firefox addon). You can also try out your changes in Firebug to see if they will work before changing your style sheet.

    As for the child theme business, it’s entirely up to you. You don’t need to apply any updates if you don’t want to and what you do on your own machine is your affair. Personally I never develop sites locally. I always develop on the live installation, possibly with a plugin like ‘Maintenance Mode’ activated if I don’t want the world to see what I’m doing.

    However, if I were to develop locally, I’d want my local installation to be as similar to the live one as possible: so I’d use a child theme right from the get-go. This also has the advantage of meaning that when you do want to go live, you just need to upload your child theme folder and contents to your live installation and the theming is all done without further messing.

    Never have understood why people fork out for DW. Total waste of money IMNSHO.



    Thread Starter asakatali


    Thank you, all excellent and appreciated advice. I downloaded Firebug earlier and will familiarize myself with it. My problem was that I was just trying to comment out the #searchform when I should have coded “display: none;” as you advised.

    I use DW in much the same way I used stabilizers on my first Raleigh Chopper. My brain functions more like a clown trying to make party balloon animals than a programmer’s.

    Aptana would be a great deal cheaper (i.e. free and gratis) and do pretty much the same things.

    Or HTML-Kit
    Or Amaya
    Or even Nvu

    I quite like Bluefish, too, for some things; but then again I regard ‘design mode’ facilities as temptations laid by some demon from another dimension to seduce and render ignorant aspiring coders.

    Assuming you did actually pay for DW of course.

    Dashboard –> Appearance –> Edit works for me most of the time for WP theme development.



    In ‘Twenty Eleven’, I want to remove the entire white containing box where the title and description are located above the main image

    back to basics and using the options in the dashboard:

    dashboard – appearance – header – Display Text [No] [Yes]

    tick [No]

    Good catch. Should have thought of that!



    Thread Starter asakatali


    Yes, good catch indeed, though I have had to change things to achieve what I want, which creates new problems in my setup:

    The site is https://dedicateddads.net/ and you can see that there is the page background image and lined up with it is the image in the header section to make it appear as all one image (re-size the browser smaller to see what I mean as the images slip out of line eventually – also to be fixed).

    I am in two minds if I want to keep the header text, but if I do remove it using the appearance editor, it looses the whole container too, which I now want to keep so I can have somewhere to place the image needed. I think I am right in assuming that if i keep the text as an ‘h1’ title, it is good for SEO?

    I am rebuilding this original page of mine https://www.cactusfilms.co.uk/about/ and this is a piecemeal operation.

    1) Atm, i am trying to figure out how I can reproduce the large footer image I have on the cactus page. Any suggestions? I assume I will have to build a new container and just put a background image in again?

    2) How might i resolve the issue of the images going out of line when I shrink the browser mentioned above?

    Thanks for your time.

    Somebody may know better, but I would imagine you’d have to use fixed pixel widths to keep your images aligned. The current layout allows the absolute width of the central area to vay.




    @Perdur – Tried your code and it removes ALL searchforms from my TwentyEleven interface.

    Is there a way to remove just the one on the top right corner of the template?

    Ex. here – https://becomebecome.com/

    Firebug tells me it’s this one:

    #searchform {
    position: absolute;
    right: 7.6%;
    text-align: right;
    top: 3.8em;

    …but I don’t really know what to code for from here.

    Thanks for feedback!

    PS – In the end I would like for a .gif animation (already loaded in WP Media) to be displayed instead of the Search Field. But I am talking things one step at a time…


    #branding #searchform {
         display: none;

    That did it for the Search From, thanks a lot Voodoo.

    I am opening a different thread to position the .gif where the Search form was…

    Thank You!

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