That is a BROAD question. Do you have any more specifics? Proposal (RFP) prepared. As a web host service, your site is going to have to be ROBUST. For an accurate answer, give more specifics: Start with:
– Timeline for delivery
– # of pages
– SEO service needs
– Member site or not
– Do you have all assets aggregated and ready for delivery to the developer?
– Will you manage the site or not?
– Who is your host?
– SEO expectations and geo-targeted keyword markets?
There are at least 100 more questions to be asked (at least) What you DO NOT want to do is let someone talk you into putting a budget you have to work with number in this forum. No offense but there are firms building WP sites (usually foreign) for $100 paying people $195.00 per hour to do so.
No one who develops EFFECTIVE WP sites would touch the job for $10.00 per hour or be the low cost provider. Remember the old song : “You can do bad by yourself. You don’t need no help to starve to death.”
Those who know what they are REALLY doing will bid it correctly.
Just a closing FYI – By reading forum threads, don’t let anyone confuse you with technical speak with WordPress technical speak (scripting, html, css etc) to RAISE the price. Most make working with WordPress WAY TO HARD!
An effective WP site is one that is one page #1 of search in their respective markets or have a plan to march up at least two spots per week until Page #1 is achieved or have a MASSIVE following (web traffic). Fancy design will NEVER take the place of high organic search ranks.
(I’ve put more sites and pages in TOP 3 positions than I can count and have NEVER designed a site – just develop and use templates)