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  • Thread Starter Benniebean


    Also noticed that activating the AAM also disables the super admin ability.

    Hi Benniebean,
    Looks like u have some issues with super admin role.
    Please check error log (
    Try to deactivate AAM and clear all options in options table which starts with wpaccess_ prefix.


    Thread Starter Benniebean


    Hey Vasyl,

    Clearing the wpaccess options from the options table seems to have done the trick on my xampp site. Before I clear these on the live site what are these options.


    Hi Benniebean,
    This is AAM Plugin options. In earlier releases I had deactivation hook which cleared all settings if plugin been deactivated. But I started received quite enough emails with request to exclude this feature.
    So I just commented deactivation hook. This was the quick fix in fact I didn’t have time to make it more intelligent.
    In next release I already implemented correct hook and it’ll clear some useless parameters.


    Thread Starter Benniebean


    cheers its working well now.

    Thanks for info. Probably I have to think how to make this process less confusing for users.



    Hi Vasyl,
    First of all thanks for this brilliant plugin. I use it on almost all of my sites.

    However, I have similar problem on one of my sites. Before I found your plugin I used Role Scoper plugin and I tried to change things around.
    After the installation of your plugin (didn’t ask me to create super admin) the blank page comes up when I click on Access Manager. All options are there but hidden with css.

    I removed all rows with suffix wp_wpaccess from the options table. On the activation of your plugin again these are recreated and the problem is still there.

    Any idea what might cause that?


    I mean “prefix” instead of “suffix”.



    That sounds like you have a JavaScript error on your page. Can you please check if there is any error when u click on Access Manager link.




    I get :

    Uncaught TypeError: Property ‘$’ of object [object DOMWindow] is not a function


    Line 188


    Please ignore it. It is caused by SAVIOUR template. In the functions.js
    the code has to be changed to the one below starting from line: 187.

    var ifr_source = jQuery(this).attr(‘src’);
    var wmode = “wmode=transparent”;
    if(ifr_source.indexOf(‘?’) != -1) {
    var getQString = ifr_source.split(‘?’);
    var oldString = getQString[1];
    var newString = getQString[0];
    else jQuery(this).attr(‘src’,ifr_source+’?’+wmode);


    Thanks for your help!

    На русском здесь можно писать?

    Попробую написать.

    Установил плагин advanced-access-manager.
    У меня права администратора.
    До поры до времени я этим плагином работал без проблем.
    В один прекрасный момент плагин потребовал обновления, в админке при кликании на иконку плагина AAM ни чего не выводилось.
    Как только обновил плаги и иконка пропала.
    Пробую из админки зайти напрямую – /wp-admin/admin.php?page=advanced-access-manager/mvb_wp_access.php
    Пишет “У вас недостаточно полномочий для доступа к этой странице.”.

    То же самое происходит и когда захожу под суперадмином.

    При этом сам плагин свою функцию выполняет, то есть работает.

    Что делать?

    Ну что ж imss,
    Это интерестный случай. Похоже на то что увас пропал супер админ. Самый простой способ это открыть файл mvb_wp_access.php и допавить следующии куски кода после линии 425 :

    и 686 :
    $aam_cap = WPACCESS_ADMIN_ROLE;

    Меню должно появиться. Создайте Capability “AAM Manage“.
    И можете удалить добавленные линии с mvb_wp_access.php.

    И еще одно. Посмотрите в error.log на наличия ошыбок (

    С уважением,

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