• Ok, so I’ve been trying to find a good solution for this for a while and I’ve been trying various combinations of things in a scrap blog for a while to no success. i realize that with my current process this may not even be doable.

    The situation: I would like to merge two separate WordPress instances I use into one blog so all of the content feeds together. The main blog currently is at https://www.lameazoid.com and the other blog is at fotd.lameazoid.com . I can import the content around no problem. Also, in order to keep the process simple for my own sanity, Figure of the Day is entirely updated and created via my Android phone. I don’t have to putz with memory cards and I don’t get caught up in the photography process etc. It is going to stay this way.

    The problem with putting FotD in the main feed is that the large images look ugly in the main feed and take up a lot of space. I found a plug in that will automatically add thumbnails to Excerpts, which is step one.

    Step two, I need a plug in or some code or something that will automatically excerpt any post on Lameazoid.com in the (to be created) category “FotD”.

    The idea beaing, I can update the FotD posts like I have been doing to the main blog, the plug ins will go to work and in the main feed they will show up as the post text excerpt and a thumbnail of the first image. People can then click through to the larger images/post.

    Basically, the effect I’m looking for would be similar to a Facebook shared post.

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