So after digging through the code I discovered what the problem was. The default value set for the admin button that determines placement is “50”. The theme I was using had it’s own theme button with a value of 50 that was overriding the moderation button. I determined that if I gave it a value of 45, it appeared under the “Comments” button as intended, and above the button that my theme was adding for itself. If you are not seeing the “Customer Reviews” button that gives you access to moderating peoples reviews, click Plugins on the left bar, then click “Edit” on the line for WP Customer Reviews. That will bring up the code that you need to look though. Scroll down until you reach this section:
/* keep out of admin file */
function addmenu() {
add_options_page(‘Customer Reviews’, ‘<img src=”‘ . $this->getpluginurl() . ‘star.png” /> Customer Reviews’, ‘manage_options’, ‘wpcr_options’, array(&$this, ‘admin_options’));
add_menu_page(‘Customer Reviews’, ‘Customer Reviews’, ‘edit_others_posts’, ‘wpcr_view_reviews’, array(&$this, ‘admin_view_reviews’), $this->getpluginurl() . ‘star.png’, 50); /* 50 should be underneath comments */
Where it has the number 50, you should change it to something else. I chose 45 and it worked out for me. [My first attempt was 60, but then the “Appearance” button disappeared.] Hopefully this might help someone someday. I had to find it for myself, but now you don’t.