The initial implementation works. Here are some things that would be great to see in the final version:
– rather than output pure escaped html, output unescaped one, so that you can see exactly what the output looks like (with all the html processed). This is especially valuable for contributors who aren’t tech savvy and don’t want to see HTML. In fact, I’d like to see this in the admin version as well, under the edit textareas – bonus points if it’s updated live via ajax after getting parsed by the server (to resolve other shortcodes and filters, more on that below). Maybe even an ability to switch between processed and raw HTML for contributors – then they could see both if they want to.
– for the processed HTML mode, it’d be ideal to resolve other shortcodes. For example, I have a shortcode called [note] that’s part of another plugin (wp-note) – it’d be perfect to see it do_shortcode()’ed in this processed view so that it looks exactly like the final output
– there seems to be an issue with UTF8 somewhere. Here’s what I see in one of my shortcodes: “This article deals with a couple of advanced topics. If youa??re unfamiliar with some of the terms, hit up our primers here.” What it reads in the edit mode is: “This article deals with a couple of advanced topics. If you’re unfamiliar with some of the terms, hit up our primers here:”
As you can see, the quote is special, not regular, and it’s probably double encoded by mistake or not decoded correctly. Not sure, but here’s your test case.