• acaudel


    I’ve got a webcomic at https://www.dummyduck.com/wordpress/
    I’ve got ComicPress installed, and some other plugins.
    Up until yesterday it was fine.
    I clicked on the “Update Plugins” button.
    Now, when I log into wordress, my admin page looks like this:


    I tried removing all the plugins and re-installing ComicPress.
    Do I need to completely reinstall WordPress? If I do that, is there any way to save all my old posts?
    Please help! Thanks!

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  • Under the update section, you have the option to re-install WordPress simply by clicking the button. Doing so, won’t do anything to your posts. It will just re-install the wordPress files.

    I would deactivate your plugins and also clear your cache. This could also just be a caching issue.

    Thread Starter acaudel


    Thanks for the reply. I removed the plugins, cleared the cache and re-installed WordPress, and it still looks the same. I’m not sure what’s wrong. I tried creating a new WordPress account and installed it into a different directory, and that one works fine, but it doesn’t have my old posts or anything. Is there any way to move my old posts into the new account, or to move files from the working account to the new one to make it look right?



    Before you start moving things all over the place…

    To me, the image you posted simply looks like the CSS file for the WP admin is not loading. Is your site (back & front end) fully functional?

    Are you able to move around the wp-admin section and add/edit posts, etc.?

    If so, then I would suggest taking a look at the admin section with: default theme activated and no plugins. If it still looks the same, and the admin is loading slowly, then go to your web hosting control panel and see if your server is being overloaded at the moment.

    Joseph Shaw


    If you move all your pages to the new installation you lose the benefits of any incoming links or SEO to those pages…. this is not usually a good thing.

    Have you tried reinstalling your theme?

    I would switch to a free theme, then reinstall the theme and see how it looks.

    I am having the exact same problem with some of my sites. My admin pages look identical to acaudel’s screenshot. It looks like a couple of the WordPress PHP files for the admin page are being mangled but I have not identified the culprit. I found that reinstalling WordPress solves the problem temporarily, but the problem reoccurs. I am running WordPress 3.3.1 with the Twordder 1.4.3 theme and the following plugins:

    Exclude Pages from Navigation 1.92
    Jetpack 1.2.2
    Onswipe 2.1.5
    Redirection 2.2.10
    WP-FLV 0.2
    WPtouch 1.9.39

    @acaudel are you running any of these plugins on your site?

    Thread Starter acaudel


    Thanks for the replies!

    newsdevice: I am able to move around the wp-admin section and add/edit posts. I’ve tried going back to the default theme w/ no plugins as well. That also didn’t work. My website is fully functional and it looks fine, the only problem is in the wp-admin section.

    Joseph: I’ve tried installing other themes and that didn’t fix it.

    splatdot: I don’t remember exactly, since I have removed all the plugins I had. But I’m pretty sure I had Jetpack. Not sure about the others.
    I’m also using WordPress 3.3.1

    Thread Starter acaudel


    Not sure why, but it seems to be working correctly again. I got a message from dreamhost.com where I have my site hosted. They said

    “We are contacting you as part of our renewed initiative to proactively
    warn our users about potential vulnerabilities or hacking activity under
    their accounts. We have found such activity under one or more of your
    users in the form of a directory called ‘.logs’ which is being used by
    hackers to store data. This directory is not malicious in and of itself
    as it just contains data and not executable code, however it is a sign
    that affected users are located under your account. To find the actual
    vulnerable/malicious code we have conducted a scan of your account, and
    the results are below…”

    Then it lists a bunch of files that they scanned and cleaned up. I’m wondering if anyone really was trying to hack my site, or if I just messed something up while installing worpress or its themes. Anyway, now when I log into my wp-admin dashboard, everything looks fine.

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